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how has a guy who so often plays his hand faceup won that much

Has Hellmuth even won a pot? He has 6 total chips bc he never wins blinds or antes and folds everything post flop. How does he ever go deep playing like this?

They’re amazed he just flatted river big bet when there were 3 straights and he could easily have any of the three?

oh right I’m a cash guy they are not

that’s the amazing thing, he just folds folds folds folds folds if he set mines and hits he raises the flop else he just calls, then folds turn if it’s an overcard to his pair.

now I see why jungle threw away the three tens in that headsup thing

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I talk a lot at the table and this dude makes me seem like a mute!

I would love to play with Hellmuth.

It would be interesting if he plays one hand well and not abc. I’d take the under.

lol that raise call oop with 55 for 1/10th his stack with people behind is so bad.

Do i have to sub to pokergo to watch this year?

There are some free streams on youtube - no clue how it will be for later rounds, but so far there has been one free a day.


Phil doesnt play anything “abc”

He does if it was 1997. :grin:

Hahahahhah all in.

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I dont think he was ever playing as the other “regs”

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Probably a great shove by Phil bc he would’ve folded any turn-river combo that didn’t improve him to 2 pair or better.

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Amazing thing is he has 0% bluffing frequency there. It’s noob 101 poker.

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It must have killed Phil not being able to give his usual speech about busting him later bc there were still 2 to act.

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shocked rigby folded t9cc to a smaller sized 4b

Ya that’s odd if you are playing that style. Maybe he is sensing pushback from his opponents.

Hellmuth played a poker hand! Good for him.

Phil’s had the winner in almost all the pots he’s entered. A good player would probably have 150k in his seat.

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Hellmuth isnt a nit as u make him sound to be. He just plays very strange (bad).