Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

His style is super tight and then once in a while he throws in some insane bluff with no plausible story attached to it. He honestly thinks poker is 98% about trapping.

To Parent’s credit, it seems like someone told him to stfu and he followed the advice.

Hes not that tight. Its just not true. He plays very passive at times

Unluckiest guy in poker everyone.

I’m tired of the biggest nit at the table, only raises when he has it, and still 100% getting his sets paid for a full stack

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am I the only one who would’ve turbo folded the turn raise?


Rigby is a huge fish

Number one rule in poker is never ever under any circumstances give a nit action. :grin:

Kessler is a nit, you guys using the wrong lingo here imo but ill stop nitpicking

I may need to test this jamie gold and phil hellmuth just did it here, just straight up telling people you have it because they call you and you have it.

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I was half expecting Rigby to torch that extra 18k

I honestly don’t get your argument. He has played top 10% hands only for the 90 min I have been watching. He three bet bluffed a8o once.

Does he ever play more than 15% vpip? He never uses position.

Lmao, sick bluff, trying to get Rigby off any hand there after he’s tilting from the Hellmuth hand.

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that was a triple fire bluff or give up spot especially against that guy

the spades missed so it looks like a bluff–against a guy like rigby he’s gonna snap that off

As a practicing stoic it’s cool to see that shirt. I wonder if it just a random shirt or he is a stoic too.

I think he has a crew named Stoic Crew, but not in the philosophy sense, rather the common definition of stoic. Shame, Epictetus was a boss.

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I just gii on the flop with A6 vs 67 on A62 and lost. Just wanted to share that news


Oh booo.

Can you use it in a sentence?

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Lol that call. There are no bluffs in that guys range.