Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

he’s been limping for at least 20 years

Make people play a game you have far more experience than they do sounds like a good strategy to me.

And I mean, people will target fish who limp. People won’t openly attack/target Dnegs

Nothing will ever top how painful this was:

Maybe this:

One of my best friends at the feature table now. First time he’s playing the main, id be super stressed being on camera

also a different friend was in a pot in the first level board is QQ224.

he bets 600 on the river with a queen. Old guy puts in one 100 chip and 5k chip. Then does an ‘omg i meant to call’. my friend paid anyhow old man had quad 2. then his son came to the table and bragged about how he did a fake misclick at his table too.



queen or not the “I meant to call” raise is the oldest trick in the book. Hope your friend isn’t a pro.

High stakes plo on HCL next week

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I played that main. God im old

Is CW in the main this year?

Have you heard of The Hotelier?
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Looking forward to this

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Still people going allin pf with 300 BB with KK on level 1 of day 1, one of those things were if a pro does it, you realize they are really not good at poker.

Some of these pros are kinda size tells here on day 1 just assuming everyone is a fish I guess

Me too. Lol

First orbit of the one wsop main I played (biggest tourney I’d played before this was $215) I 4b pre with KK and my hands were shaking so bad the guy folded QQ face up


Isn’t QQ an easy fold to the 4-bet even w/o the tells?

Snap fold.