Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

The current state of tournament poker seems hopelessly boring

I don’t think it is as easy as you make it sound. Every table is a sea of unknowns. Pretty hard to figure out which will be exciting tv.

Speaking of whales, I was playing .5/1 6-card PLO on one of the apps and a mega whale dropped $6200 in 150 hands rebuying for $150 at a time. Seems insanely hard to do unless you’re actively trying to lose money.

It was going 4-handed for awhile, me, the whale to my immediate right, and 2 meganits. The meganits ended up getting him for $2-3k each, several others joined and booked wins of a couple buyins. I lost $800. The guy beat me 4x in a row when I had 80+% equity.

And yah, I quickly realized that immediate left of him was the worst spot on the table. Tons of flops where everyone just checks to him b/c they know he’s jamming, then I have to fold pretty strong hands that I know have him beat, but I have to worry about the meganits sitting on a monster.

Lol. The idiots on my table were clamoring to get on my guy’s left. I guess they know you want position on the bad player, but have no idea why? At least the rakeback reg knew enough to get to my right as close as possible, he knew I was never voluntarily giving my seat up.

Sure there’s a good amount of luck involved and some constraints too as they are probably picking tables that won’t break soon and from a certain room but I think they can choose better.

All things being equal and just from a quick glanced at the live updates I would have picked the following three tables yesterday.

  1. Chris Brewer’s table - He won two bracelets this year and seems like an all around good guy. Let’s highlight a known pro who did well this year at the series.

  2. Allen Kessler’s and Nick Petrangelo’s table. I am generally not a fan of Kessler at all and he’s super nitty but he’s been featured in every single one of DNegs vlogs so the casuals will know him. Plus Nicky P. also at the table can’t hurt.

  3. Johnny Chan and Andy Stacks from the HCL streams were at the same table. One legend and one pro that stream watchers will know.

Also Robbi Jade Lew was in the field as well and that J4 hand is easily the most talked about thing in poker of the last year. WSOP does seem avoid talking about anything cheating related or controversial though so that’s could be a reason to not pick her table.

That’s four tables I think would be better just from a quick glance at the updates so it’s very possible I’m missing some other very good tables.


One thing I really like about the main event stream so far is that they start with an ultra long delay so that they skip the breaks in their coverage.


So weird

I like the specifics with the # of models. Why is Jungle getting roped into this crap? Did he lose a bet?

Specifying that JM only gets 2 models compared to his 15 is on brand for Hellmuth


Yeah, Jungle would never put on a silly outfit and play a character just to get attention…

A decent chance this is Jungle’s idea.

At least Jungle realizes how ridiculous it is and can barely get out a sentence without cracking up. Hellmuth could’ve spit out that promo without a hint of irony.


I always felt like Jungle did it for the ridiculousness. Helmuth just wants more eyes on him.

The two weirdest guys in poker being weird. Not much new here. :grinning:

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DNegs at the feature today. Looks like he already lost half his stack.

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Why is Mintzy in the booth. He appears to know nothing about poker strategy and doesn’t seem to add anything interesting (plus his voice grates on me).

Dnegs limping JJ in early postion. :eyes:

and now limping A9s UTG

Lets see if his limping strat pays off for him.

It worked, but don’t get how that river isn’t basically just a snap call after you are so under repped.

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works for them I guess

but yes no idea