Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

The guy that got stuck $10k is a nitty 8 hours a day 5 days a week type grinder. Real rakeback pro. I think this $10k hit was probably most or all of his roll. He was a mess when he left, like totally shell shocked out of it. I like to think I’d keep your attitude, but tonight made me question it. I made it clear to VPIP king that I was gonna keep buying bullets as long as he was there though.

Did someone shit on the table?

yeah the -10k guy definitely isn’t getting that money back for awhile at 1/3. I took some huge hits to players like that back when I was nowhere near properly rolled for it so I know that adds a lot to the shock value.

It’s all one big session…

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The issue there is bankroll management. There is no game on earth good enough to have your whole roll in play.

If someone does there is no chance they are even playing their C game with be bottom half of the roll.

This is imo the single most important maxim in poker and one that is actually followed by the least number of players.

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It sucks to leave that kind of game then hear the next day everyone else drained the fish for the 7k and each got 1.6k or whatever.

Been running really bad in those spots this year. You can straddle all in blind on gg, down a few thousand to ppl doing that.

This is why it doesn’t bother me if I am card dead when a whale is spewing. Over the long run, I’ll get my fair share of good hands against bad player.

I’m really not anywhere as nitty as someone like Allen Kessler, but I am very disciplined about not loosening up my starting hands when I’m card dead, when I’m bored, or when I’m stuck. Not perfectly disciplined, but much more so than almost everyone I play against. I actually advocate tightening up when stuck because your table image is usually damaged and you have less fold equity.

I think of that as my biggest plus in poker. It enables me to survive against player who might be sort of better. There are certainly better postflop players than me, but they give away money because they overestimate their edge and how many hands they can play profitably. Sure, sometimes I am so card dead that I look like a super nit, but I think I am better off living with that image rather than trying to make moves to create the illusion of action.

Obviously you have to widen your playing range against a fish playing vpip100.

It depends. If I was sitting to his immediate left, I’d probably have to tighten up because everyone is waiting behind me and I’m effectively UTG. I can play more hands sitting to his immediate right, knowing no one can raise behind me.

Depending on stack depths and how he plays postflop, you’re going to be cutting out some hands. You should probably be folding small pairs unless you’re jamming with them, since you probably won’t have the odds to call and set mine and people behind you might just be happy to get it in pre with an ace or two broadway. Deuces suck all in pre against a random hand and a range of any pair, any ace, and any two broadway.

If this guy is just giving away money and has loads of it, it may make sense to pass up small edges so that you have more shots at pots where you have a big edge because there will be so many of them. The less money you have with you to rebuy, the more willing you should probably be willing to wait for a better spot.

Unless very deep (which isnt likely when the maniac raises 20x every hand) being on his immediate right is the best seat at the table imo. I had that scenario quite a bit

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Sick cooler


Soul read

I wish we knew how the action went in this hand. I could be wrong but feel like A10 of spades is an especially bad ace high to have.

Day 1 of the main and a pro is shoving 2x river on you on 85533. All ace high are bad.

Well ya that too. lol

I’ve played the main twice and it’s for sure the most insane MTT ever in terms of people donating chips.

The first time I played a guy at my table literally had a what beats what card and said it was his second time playing poker.

This D’Ambrosio guy just never stops talking.

okay I’m not watching live day 1 wsop again, it’s so rough to watch

poker was so much better as way over edited highlight only reels but that’s not the times we live in

Doesn’t help that the feature tables they’ve selected have been quite poor IMO. I know I complained about Jamie Gold headlining yesterday but that seems light years better than the tables they’ve selected today. Like right now the table is headlined by Mintzy with no one else notable at the table. Before that the feature was headlined by Jimmy D’Ambrosio and Jacqueline Burkhart. There’s gotta be better tables to feature than this right?