Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

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Congrats you are third in line to make the same joke.


Let me introduce you guys to Alberta poker. 1-3nlhe game. Max buyin $1k. This guy is immediately to my left, and has been raising preflop to $100 minimum every single hand. I don’t mean every hand he chooses to enter the pot. I mean he has a 100%vpip, 100% preflop raise, 20bb minimum raise. This pic was after playing him for 9-10 hours:


Just your everyday 3,800 bb stack.

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I had possibly the best seat on planet earth last night, and booked a +$1000. Could’ve been worse. 3 good players got stuck $4k+ and left, one of them stuck for $10k. I was only stuck $1700 at my low point.

The table took vpip hero apart shortly after this pic, he left busto within 2 hrs of this pic. Was an 18 hour day for me, never been so card dead in my life, although maybe that was a blessing the way this dude was sun running.

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The only thing that tilts me still in poker is being at a table like that and being card dead. It’s so brutal. Has to be worst scenario in poker.

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how many buy-ins did he torch? any idea?

Just 2 $1k buyins total for him, before he hit the heater of a lifetime. I was at the table 7 hours before he got there, planning on calling it a night soon. My plans changed.

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Sucks being card dead but seeing the nit that plays transparent go on a run and take the whales money would tilt me even more

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card dead is better than getting absolutely wrecked by the poker gods

the old days were a wild time, some wild players willing to go allin pre with about anything suited or call off 25bb pre with the same range they’d call a minraise with etc. Getting absolutely wrecked by them happened quite a bit.

I have a pal there who believes he couldn’t win (he’s a rec on the nitty side) and I’m like dude that’s the fishiest place I know about in north america just try it once but nope.

Holy shit, I just realized that this is wrong. Some of the players had reached their bank machine limits, so we were allowing them to transfer $ to this guy online, and he was giving them chips from his stack. He must have done $6-7k of transactions this way. So yes, he lost his $2k initial, but he managed to rathole at least $5k over the night from e-transfers (like venmo for Canadians, but better).

Wow. Epic night for this dude.

Whoa they let him take chips off his stack? I don’t think I’ve seen that allowed anywhere

I will generally let minor rule violations slide, but if the deepstack whale who is definitely going broke is passing chips for venmo, I am going to quietly mention it to the floor immediately.

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The floor looked the other way, and we were doing anything we could to keep the game running.

Did you make it worth the floor’s while to do something that could be risking getting fired?

I always tip the floor well, win or lose. Not sure what the big winners did.

I don’t care if I get it in with the fish 100 times with aces and get cracked every time. :grinning:

I’m used to playing in poker rooms where you can’t tip the floor. Always felt like a dodgy practice to me.