Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

Bet on whether his overall ROI will be positive for a WSOP package of all events 10k and under where you can verify he entered. Easy work for the pro-Phil side because you can just look up which events he cashed. The anti-Phil side has to wade through updates and Twitter to track his entries, but maybe people here will be helpful. You can negotiate a bonus for being significantly higher or lower than even.

That’s where this conversation started, but I don’t want that bet. I’ve certainly lost money at more WSOPs than I’ve won, despite being ahead overall.

How about $500 he doesn’t have a top 3 finish?

I am good with - Phil Helmuth to get top 3 in a WSOP US Bracelet event in June-July 2024 (under 20 entries no bet) for $500.


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I think people overrate single hands that we see far too often.

Does Phil torch equity a ton? Sure.
Does just about ever player, especially one playing an insane schedule of 12+ hour days every day for 6 weeks straight? Absolutely.

Most of the GTO stuff is an absolute scam, especially in these kind of live fields.

I have so many pros/friends I follow on Instagram posting updates. Some are doing pretty well overall. But, there are a lot of iffy bustout hands. Phil just nitting it up, not taking those 15-20bb spots and just seeing the next hand instead is probably fine overall imo.

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Pretty good analogy. :grin:


This isn’t a good analogy. Nobody agrees with river on crypto. Everyone agrees with me that Hellmuth sucks. :grin:

I maybe just think he sucks more than the average poster.

We all think it, you just get saltier about it.

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I mean I totally understand clovis. It’s super galling that hellmuth genuinely believes he’s unlucky in poker when it’s likely he’s 2 sd’s above the mean and possibly 3 above in terms of lifetime poker luck.


WSOP main event coverage about to start in a few minutes.

Pretty lame feature table with Jamie Gold headlining. :(

Does anyone including casuals even care about Jamie Gold in 2023?

Edit: looks like Jamie Gold is sponsored by the WSOP.

He is sponsored and featured only because it’s his record that will be beaten this year.

@yuv have you heard of Israeli player Idan The One?

That is brutal.

yeah, he literally changed his name to that. seems like he’s not the one. he also ripped off his investors taking some absurd markup.

another israeli i know who owes money to friends of mine is 1/4 in the collossus. so you might not know it, but bad guys winning trend continues.

well one guy at this table is loose and creative–just doesn’t have the stones to fire the river
