Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

FWIW, Negreanu commented on his own game selection a few times over the last few vlogs. He chose PLHE and PLO for different reasons, and then stud 8 when he got short (contrary to your preference for LHE in HORSE, I think?) He says with stud 8, you can get to 5th street for cheap, and see where you’re at.

So Bonomo figured out a way to do live multi-accounting?

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And he opened up some SNGs on his tablet to negate his advantage.

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Some guy on the live stream just now said Ivey relapsed and is drinking heavily right now (like literally right now). He’s probably full of shit and if he isn’t then it’s even a bigger shit move. Weird comment.

I think the flop games are better if you are really short, with something like two big blinds, but not necessarily when you have three to five big bets.

i don’t get it?

In what would be the final hand of the tournament, Justin Bonomo raised to 450,000 on the button and Michael Addamo three-bet to 1.8 million. Bonomo shoved for 11.3 million and Addamo called after thinking for over a minute to put Bonomo at risk.

Michael Addamo: {k-Hearts}{j-Hearts}
Justin Bonomo: {10-Diamonds}{9-Spades}

The flop came {q-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}{10-Hearts} — keeping Addamo out in front, but the {10-Spades} turn vaulted Bonomo into the lead with trip tens.

A tournament-ending {a-Clubs} completed the board — giving Addamo Broadway and eliminating Bonomo in second place.

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These are undoubtedly the 2 best mtt players in the world, what don’t you get?

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Dwan is in! What a lineup.


Lol krish is going to be eaten alive in this line up.

Played a heap with Addamo back when he started in 2k Aus tournaments and glad he has become a crusher.

I’m no wizard but you are better off shoving T9o vs something like A4o given the expected calling ranges. I’m more intrigued by Addamos play than Bonomos.


70 bb 4b shove with 9To is what i dont get it.
Calling with KJo feels pretty wild too.

Seems pretty crazy hand. Obv they are two of the best, otherwise id assume they were clicking buttons

Sick. What is a Lenard?

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These massive overbets have become standard at these levels as a response to everyone getting closer to GTO. Admo is famous for them.

I don’t see how it can possibly be correct GTO-wise, your 4bet bluffing range does much better off with suited hands or ace blockers (probably both needed). Thing is it doesn’t matter much equity-wise. GTO will pick the best bluffs to use but it’s probably only like 2-3% difference over the marginally bad bluffs. So if you have just a smidge of a live tell or game flow consideration maybe shoving a hand as bad as T9o here can be fine (but still probably isn’t here if opponent is calling with KJ).

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Ya, i don’t know the reasoning but it’s def not standard.

Also it’s a donkament so GTO HU cash game model does not apply. Surely you have to be tighter here than both players were. KJs is maybe getting close to direct odds against Villain’s range, but like, aren’t you supposed to fold anyway?

Addamo is such a gto bot that he makes Bonomo look likable

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I was trolling, the hand is indistinguishable from one played by 2 people trying poker for the first time.


I’ve definitely seen preflop solver generated “GTO” ranges and while they do 4-bet fairly aggressively in HU spots, I haven’t seen any mix in T9o, lol. Feels like a stupid preflop leveling war (google Vanessa Selbst J7s hand for a fun example) where Adammo either got really lucky or somehow soul read Bonomo.

Most likely they just made a deal then ended it that way