Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

I’m still trying to figure out what’s wrong with the first menu. It has plenty of pasta options, just doesn’t have chicken fingers?

He ordered deconstructed chicken parm

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He doesn’t eat pork. He might not eat seafood. He probably only eats beef, chicken, and other poultry. He doesn’t seem to like food that is heavily sauced or seasoned. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has some sort of OCD-ish compulsion about not having different types of food touch each other (brumotactillophobia).


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I have this. Did not know what the term for it was.

Also this talk made me do a fifteen minute scroll of Chainsaw’s twitter. Whyyyyy


Also, Norm Chad’s NFL picks column in the USA Today was fantastic way back in the day.

Spinach Gnnochi sounds bomb.

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Imagine going to an Italian restaurant with multiple amazing sounding dishes and leaving because they don’t have Chicken Parm.


Its fine if you are younger than 5

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12k package giveaway sponsored by wpt from a twitch chess/irl streamer who picked up poker a bit over a year ago.




Unpopular opinion on this website I’m sure, but we should have kept gambling in Las Vegas and Atlantic City. Letting it explode legally everywhere (and online) is a huge net negative for society as a whole.


That almost certainly violates US sweepstakes law

WPT had a lot of their ambasadours giving away packages that they won and it all seemed very iffy to me.

That seems weird to compare a fraction of profits to a group of users

Maybe they mean revenue?

At a casino that’s the same thing right since profit is mathematically set based on the odds.

Hellmuth playing HU in 20 min for $1.6m.

Rooting hard for him to get crushed.


Nope it’s the final on the HU challenge. Him and Jason Koon putting up $800k each.

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