Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

Apparently there are wide spread back account hacks going through the poker community for basically anyone that has ever deposited onto using their bank account.

According to the stuff Todd Witteles said that I linked to a few days ago, it seems to be people who used an eCheck and the processor Global Payments, who handle deposits for, BetMGM, and many other legal gambling websites.


OK good, nobody has stolen the $1k in my bank account.


This play by Skye was a doozy:

Somehow Ingram had a 5 hour stream on the Robbie thing. I refuse to watch. Anyone know what they could have possibly talked about?

From reddit

*What’s the update? Just hopped in the stream

edit: Nvm update is Savannah has shit to say about Robbi and Rip. Already posted in here this week, there is no update *

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Just prior to publishing this op-ed, I sent it to Joey, asking if he’d like to comment. He suggested we speak on the phone, which we then did for 10 minutes. He defended his actions saying that he had been under attack from Norman for days prior, leading up to the incident; that Norman had been disrespecting the investigation, mocking Joey by calling him a weatherman, and more.

He further said he would never lay a finger on Norman, and that “nobody’s going to Norman’s house or roughing him up.” He told me that he has already spoken to Lon McEachern and Norman’s wife, Toni, and that Norman has his phone number… “why doesn’t he call me? Let’s talk it out.”

Moreover, Joey asked me “why I didn’t include any of Norman’s attacks on him in the article?” to which I responded that I unfortunately have no records of anything Norman said, since his Twitter account was deactivated.

Finally, Joey said that he’d be making a video in the very near future to address this situation and he’s happy to invite Norman on to discuss it on his show.

I stopped following Norman Chad a long time ago because IMO he had lots of bad poker takes and also wasn’t funny.

You talking about Norman Chad or Crytpochicagojoey?

Norman Chad. I find him insufferable on twitter though I’m not a big fan of ChicagoJoey either.

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Joey used to be somewhat entertaining. Now he’s just a douchey cryptobro that’s discussing edibles every time I turn on his stream.

i think he mostly has a first mover advantage and a willingness to actually do what he does which goes a long way to get a solid viewer base.

I’m rather tired of people referring to PLO as “the great game”. That catchphrase has been run into the ground.

That’s why I now refer to PLO as the Tesla of poker.

Not a Joey fan but Chad is perhaps the least funny human alive. In 20 years of watching him I don’t think he has made me smile once let along ever actually laugh.

I thought Chad/Lon were great for the early era WSOPs (from Moneymaker year until Gold), but I think the game kinda outgrew them, plus their schtick wore thin.

Well at least we know it’s not NBZ now. What a human

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I can also prove I’m not Kessler by doing more than one pushup.

Henry17, is that you?


Imagine choosing this as your life. :man_shrugging: