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Sagbigsal sounds like the nickname of a elderly, Mafia hitman.

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So she’s lying again about the phone records, shocking development!

Why is she supposed to turn her phone records over to a newspaper

Does Garret have any evidence that the newspaper has followed up multiple times with no luck? Or does he mean that he’s followed up with the newspaper multiple times, and they’ve ignored his pathetic ass requests?

Yes, he quoted the article that said they attempted multiple times.

Thanks. I don’t have a twitter account, and it blocks me anytime I try to dig into a tweet or scroll responses.

Interestingly, it looks like that paragraph may have received an update.

Later that week, she invited The Times to a meeting at Hustler with her, Gualotuna and High Stakes Poker Productions co-owner Nick Vertucci to discuss the Sagbigsal case. Afterward, she said on Twitter and on a podcast that she had turned over her phone records to the newspaper; The Times did not receive any, despite repeated follow-up requests in the last two weeks. Late Thursday afternoon, Lew sent a Times reporter an email with her AT&T log-in information.

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What if she’s just a ditzy woman who says she will do things and forgets, procrastinates, and otherwise doesn’t get around to doing things that she intends to do when she says she would?

It’s probably hard to concentrate with a jackhammer in your privates.


You get used to it.


She’s not, but she’s saying she has as some sort of “proof” that she has no ties to Sagbigsal, but the newspaper is like, “Uhh, you didn’t give us those!”

This is the second or third time she’s claimed to do something that would prove she’s not in cahoots with Sagbigsal, moved opinion in her favor, then it comes out a week or two later that she didn’t actually do the thing and the people arguing her side are like, “Well what are you gonna do? She’s a habitual liar, but that doesn’t prove anything!”

It’s the second and she ended up doing both. Just not on the timeline some people wanted.

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There’s saying she’d press charges, this, and the lie detector fiasco.

Did she really, though? I haven’t seen proof she did any of the things she said she’d do the way she said she’d do them. But I haven’t been following along the last week or two either.

Seems like she either filled out a police report or the cops are in on it.

Gardena Police Department officers attempted to arrest a former employee of “Hustler Casino Live” who is accused of stealing $15,000 in chips from a poker player last month, but they were unable to locate him after an all-day search Wednesday, lead detective Hugo Gualotuna said.

On Oct. 10, Lew texted a Times reporter to confirm that she’d filed a complaint against Sagbigsal that day. She provided a police report number and offered to share her phone records “to prove I’ve NEVER communicated with him.”

The case is now being sent to the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office. Gualotuna said it could take months for prosecutors to decide whether to file charges.

In an interview Wednesday, Gualotuna also said he did not find a connection between Sagbigsal and Lew in his review of the evidence, including the show’s video of Sagbigsal removing poker chips from the table.

That was awesome when the guy who doesn’t know what town he’s in yells out I THINK HE FOLDED A TEN with a tone of how huge a fold that would be

Gentleman Bill Klein doesn’t often bluff, but when he does, it’s usually sick

Seems like AK is the hand you would want to bluff with, blocking AA and KK. Just have to not do it with very many combos.

Seems like with the T on the flop being a spade, you would want AsKs to bluff for sure, to unblock AT suited and KT suited so Brian can fold, but how often is Brian raising Klein’s river donk and is it basically to bluff off a chop. So Brian would rather raise AT thank KT to block Klein trapping with AA out of the effective BB.

. Klein had AcKs, not AsKx, but still, whatever, sick bluff, how could anyone see it coming, so just be exploitative and raise all your AKo lmao; you won’t have too many preflop anyway so it’s already narrowed