Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

No, I said they’ve discussed it voluntarily. They have denied it. They being Rip and Robbi. Rip’s wife has tweeted about it and flat out said it’s not an open relationship.

They denied it so it’s open house?

I’m pretty sure they brought it up on streams. But ultimately my point is that it’s relevant to the poker situation.

Are you sure it was a dream? I thought one of the big early theories he broke down was her riding a vibrator at the table.

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Cliffs: She definitely didn’t cheat, but may have cheated.

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it matters, at least to what I’ve been saying all along - they’re lying a lot since the beginning, but I thought it was something other than cheating - this makes a ton of sense for a lot of weirdness around this

You think it makes them look less like poker cheaters. CW thinks it makes them look more guilty!

The whole thing is so dumb.

I just think it aligns with my theory very well, there’s never gonna be evidence of cheating, that theory requires a lot of moving parts that don’t make sense together really and this is one of them in my view

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"That’s gross, don’t do it. "
“But being gross is relevant to my investigation!”

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this is the first time I’ve ever heard of speculation about an affair being gross - I’ve said elsewhere that the immediate assumptions that rip/robbi were fucking without any evidence was mysoginistic and dumb, but now they seem to be making it public themselves.

of course, I’m just addressing your post at face value without assuming this was just some dumb points scoring exercise, which was probably a mistake, continue

the guy with the gray hair is israeli and apparently used to play in the private game i’m in. someone told me his watch costs 300k+. need confirmation here @Lawnmower_Man

I can’t tell what it is. Looks cartoonishly large.

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they claimed its something called patek philippe

if thats a 300k watch someones getting away with highway robbery in my opinion

shrug. my phone tells me the time.

If it’s a Patek then looks like a Grand Complications for that shape and price point. Might be a minute repeater. It’s definitely not a Nautilus which is the popular model. The pricing thing is dumb though because Nautilus retail starts at like $30k, and yet it’s impossible to get the green 5711 for less than ~$300k because FLIPPERS and gray markets.

Obviously the prices are stupid but some of the grand complications are insane to produce due to the special tooling and processes required, and they’re manufactured in extremely limited quantities. Here’s one with a world time combined with the minute repeater. I’m linking you just the timestamp to the technical aspects of the movement:


im a watch geek, seriously, ty for the link


I don’t know much about watches, but can I assume that any quality watch will keep perfect time, and that the high prices are simply
a function of materials, design and appearance?

If you want to see possibly the best rungood ever, watch the HCL stream from last night. Rampage with the ultimate sun run. Really kicks off at 2:32:00, and continues for the rest of the stream.

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