Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

His wife tweeted that it’s not an open marriage.

We live in a simulation.

except he was her backer in this game so it’s sorta relevant to this investigation as to the exact nature of their relationship - rip’s wife has been tweeting/retweeting being cheated on platitudes, and on IG as well. Pretty safe to say she at least thinks she was cheated on.

also wtf she’s crazy hot, even for LA - how is this goofy seeming dude pulling these girls?

Apparently my buddy was on the Hustler stream last night

How do you know it’s his wife

Is that Randy Lew’s dad

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I’m still confused what evidence is there of cheating? They went to a football game together.

I know from Doug’s first video about the cheating where he said he knows from reliable sources that rip and Robbi are dating.

It’s not like Doug would ever just say something for the clicks without knowing it was true

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He had her in one of the livestreams, she tweeted some stuff about the drama, I believe in reply to him and I believe he tweeted back at her. It all kind of blurs together, but it’s 99.9% likely to be her.

They’ve been spotted together several times and apparently his wife has posted some tweets that vaguely reference cheating. I haven’t followed that aspect of it very closely.

One time I had this dream where Doug Polk had switched from Polker Hands and Polker News videos to videos where he would try and rate various dildos

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Well that will meet the evidentiary burden for poker twitter lol



So Polker Polkers?


We already knew he backed her. That’s the only part relevant to cheating. Whether or not their genitalia have touched is completely irrelevant and just gross internet invasion of privacy.

Who was talking about their genitals?!

Now that we’ve got two different kinds of cheating discussions going on in this thread I have no idea what anyone’s talking about. I didn’t before either, but I still don’t


A) Pretty sure they’ve both spoken about it, though I could be wrong.

B) It’s actually relevant in multiple ways.

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You are simultaneously arguing it’s not an open relationship and they are talking publicly about being together.

I do not believe they have said one word on the subject.