Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

oh i’m sure this hand happens all the time in your game

Reza go for a raise/4b on the river with 9To on J428Jddd after it went x/x x/x flop turn

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Lol I thought he folded for a second.

Reza dusting $100k because he’s bored on a Tuesday

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In shocking news, Reza and Dr. Eli are not winning

Brian limp reraising his kings preflop it this game might be a worse play than anything Reza did. Just a huge lol at these nits who think they are so smart playing 15% vpip and 2% pfr. Number one rule is never give them action ever.

Daniel’s behavior last might be worse than Phil’s. He plays the 5k NL after going to the Golden Knights game and he’s been drinking. Lol at watching a 40 minute vlog. The wackiness starts at 29:45.

The hand with Chino is pretty great though

So we’re still talking about Tony Bigcharles?

Give me a break saying this is worse than hellmuth :roll_eyes:

He is being a bit of a drunk fun guy. Annoying sure but not in the same ballpark as hellmuth.

Only in poker is being openly intoxicated, screaming, pointing and swearing at people and behaving like an obnoxious tool even before sitting down is fun drunk guy. :roll_eyes:

Big fan of the blog btw.

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Don’t get me wrong. I had to turn off the vlog as I couldn’t stand watching him be an idiot. I just don’t think it’s in the same league as what hellmuth did.

Daniel was being friendly and joking around. Hellmuth was angry, insulting people, and threatening violence.

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Agreed. Always found Daniel to be very irritating previously, but these vlogs have been quite entertaining

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I think I’m going to add an extra 3-5 days for myself between this upcoming job change and go play my first WSOP event. If the timing works out it will either be for the $1111 mini one drop or the mini main shoot out. Hopefully I can get it to work out.


Poker is one of the few venues where irritating drunk people usually get their comuppance. Unlike say sporting events, or restauraunts, or supreme court confirmation hearings.


Odds of this happening have to be +25000

Literally everything in that article feels like a lie to me

Snap take the over.

How is there a bounty so high? Must be added by casino?

2/3 of the prize pool goes to normal payouts, 1/3 gets allocated to the mystery bounties, and they don’t start doing the bounties until day 2. Iirc, the buyin was 2200 and the total prizepool was a bit over 4.6 million so ~1.6 million goes to the mystery bounty pool

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