Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

Almost an hour later and 13 posts in that thread. 2p2 really is dead, huh?

well, there’s gotta be something if someone called him the king scammer

You don’t get why an apparently rich guy who doesn’t care about $150k wearing a $500 knock-off of a $500k watch doesn’t matter?

lol epic poast by gman


I believe Beanz is a guy who got into the game because Matt Berkey vouched for him. Beanz got one of Rip/Robbi in the game, who then got the other in.

As far as I can tell, absolutely nothing new in gman’s post. He’s just cut and pasting what others have posted (you can tell he didn’t write it - unless he normally refers to himself as gman).


Lol all of the highlighted RIP moments in garrets post are super weird. Especially the mouthing “fuck” when talking to robbi after the J4 hand. And Robbi seems insufferably annoying.

Anybody know the origin of Jacobs nickname being “RIP”? Funny that in poker a rip is when you see an opponents hole cards. Makesyouthink.gif


Nothing much new in the Gman post as far as I can tell except that all these guys are allegedly super shady which isn’t all that shocking.

she seems so crazy that it’s impossible to tell what she’s lying about cause she’d lie about everything regardless

also for the “she doesn’t make sense” crowd yeah it seems that personality is incapable of it

Yeah this would have 1000 before a decade ago. Poker is huge live rn and 2p2 just has zero reach now.

When Bryan on Joey?

I just skimmed this thing, but it doesn’t seem like this info has been vetted at all, like this part:

-Since HCL’s announcement that Bryan stole $15K from Robbi’s stack at the end of the session with the J4 hand, public information has been released that allegedly indicates Sagbigsal has an extensive criminal history.

Isn’t this that info someone on here debunked because the guy in question was still locked up, so he was a different guy?

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I don’t think that has been debunked as far as I know.

i still dont get where do Beanz and Nik Airball come into play?

Nik seemed to front the money for the buyins I believe.

im putting the odds on Brian actually joining the stream at +300

It’s jewellery and it’s worn to show how wealthy the wearer is, that’s all.

Most of these things are aesthetically hideous.

The technology is just a double excuse for stupid high prices and for the wearer.

The idea that Garret has a legal team advising him and the only things they told him to add to this manifesto were some “allegedly”s here and there is pretty ridiculous to me. It’s so poorly written and sourced. What purpose does it serve? If you think you were defrauded, file a lawsuit.


poker community better at the gruntwork and cheaper than the lawyers I’d reckon

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