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I spend money on dumb shit too but I will never understand people spending thousands on a watch. It has to be the least interesting tech on earth.

When is this thief guy/robbi in a wig/moustache on the stream?

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If someone makes a claim with no source or evidence that is by definition a fantasy. Lol.

Yes, I absolutely believe he just makes stuff up. He calls it speculation.

An anonymous source isn’t the same as no source.


Someone said you are Kessler. Guess it must be true.

The reason an anonymous source is a thing in the context of journalism is they are bound by a code of ethics. When a non journalist says anonymous source it means nothing. One should assume made up.

I’m not really sure why the fake watch matters, I mean, the fact that Rip doesn’t have a $500K or $100K or whatever watch doesn’t really prove that he’s cheating. I’m sure there are people worth a few mil who wear fake watches instead of buying a $10K Rolex or whatever.

I mean I’m still leaning towards him being involved and leaning heavily towards him being full of shit in general and involved in some shady shit unrelated to poker, but the watch just seems to be a random aside.

I guess the one thing is if you were looking for possible devices snuck in, it would fit the mold for like sociopathic criminal behavior to post a picture to social with the watch to get a little rush of being smarter than everyone.

oh man Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live - Poker News - News, Views and Gossip

Garrett’s magnum opus on everything


I mean it’s not like Doug said “anonymous sources told me.” You don’t have to do much reading between the lines of what he said to figure out it was Feldman or Vertucci, nor do you have to think too hard about how/why Doug was there to come to the conclusion that he wouldn’t release anything without them signing off on it. So it’s something they want out there at a minimum, and almost certainly something that either came from them or from an employee who they still trust.

No evidence any of this is true.


I think you’re gonna want to read that Garrett post on 2p2 before you continue making a complete fool of yourself ITT.

He’s going to want this framed.

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Man oh man. Just digging in and Nick Airball being involved is chef’s kiss.

im aboutta stream my live react to this cuz i have no idea wtf is going on and i need help LOL

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@anon38180840 come on my stream and explain this to me please like im 5 LOL


Can I go back and edit my posts to be on 100% cheated?


I’m still reading it.

if TEN viewers come we’ll get a visit from commonwealth himself zomg

this is sarcasm.

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Man with all the fanfare I expected that to expose the exact way they did it, etc. Obviously there’s a ton of smoke and the smoke is thick, but the story is basically the same as it was before the post.


Dnegs HU for super high roller bowl.

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Reading that Garrett post and stuff like this bothers me:

Beanz has been referred to as “The King Scammer of Kansas City” and was a person of interest in a 2017 robbery of the Bellagio Casino. He refused a polygraph in that case and admitted he had a colorful past.

I’m sure Beanz is sketchy, but this all seems random unsubstantiated allegations. First, you should always refuse a polygraph - there is zero benefit to taking one - and second I’m pretty sure every gambler would say they had a colorful past.