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Lol I stand corrected. That’s some delusion there.


According to Twitter he’s also an investor and advisor.

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Polks new video is just so awful. Just 15 minutes of pure speculation and made up crap. You literally know less about the situation having watched it.

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Literally details that came from the production crew and likely Feldman and Vertucci, which support the theory that Bryan was involved. You think he’s making this up?

He never says this. He does say he talked to them but then never says “Nick said X”. He keeps saying “someone” and yes I think it is mostly just totally fabricated speculation.

Been following along from the beginning. Haven’t commented yet but I’ve gone from lol no cheating just a fucking idiot, to, something pretty fishy. Not sure if cheating or the reality show theory some one floated way up thread. I could def see Robbi trying something stupid to get poker famous, and Nick and crew angling for more viewers or something dumb like that. It’s just weird.

Also, never realized how insufferable Polk is, jfc.


So you’re accusing Doug Polk of fabricating out of thin air that Bryan’s desk was moved, that he moved a filing cabinet to a position that blocked a surveillance camera, and that he yelled when Robbi gave the money back?

All things that at least 3-4 people have direct knowledge of, two of which can be proven false with surveillance tape.

And you’re accusing him of falsely attributing these things to the HCL crew?

He is doing what you do all the time. See’s a filing cabinet. Then it was moved but doesn’t say who said this. Then it’s was moved recently but no source. Then it’s mid September maybe but not sure. Then it’s clearly moved to allow a view of the cards.

The first one is a fact. The next five are pure made up speculation without a source.


One thing that has always struck me about Doug’s and Joey’s videos regarding any topic I’ve been at all following is how little they know about the situation. I’m not putting out videos for tens of thousands of viewers but I know more about what’s going on than they do, just by having read a few pages of posts in nvg

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Criticizing anonymous sources is straight out of the Republican anti-media strategy.

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Do better.


Would have been better if Bryan let out a yell when Robbi turned over J4o (thinking that she had Jc6c per the swapped cards screwed up the cheating scheme theory).



Lol I didn’t even cover how stupid the “yell” idea is and that it also is from “someone”.

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New evidence regarding levels!


I understand 0% of this post. :grin:

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Skipped the last 500 or so posts, did we figure it out yet?

It was the butler in the kitchen with the candlestick.


Three people know what happened. One’s died, one’s gone insane, and I’m the third and I’ve forgotten.


Ok I’m now even more confused. The golfer bubba Watson had a white 500k Richard Mille watch made that lots of rich people want including young people Thst don’t golf? A watch that looks like a white g shock watch?

Your go-to move seems to be accusing people of lies and fantasies.

Do you think Polk is dumb enough to completely make stuff up and open himself up to lawsuits from her litigious husband or is he only going to repeat things that he was told?