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Only way to get the $200k is to admit to a crime and likely do some decent jail time. I guess maybe he’s that desperate but seems unlikely to me.

If they don’t confess, it’s super unlikely they get convicted. If Postle got away with it, don’t see how you get a conviction here with one suspicious hand and only other random circumstantial evidence.


i already publicly stated mine how do i collect

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BTW, here’s my wireless mic. No mute toggle, it’s just off, on connected, on disconnected.


On disconnected

On connected

So that’s an idea of what I was looking for in that clip up thread @freddbird . No way to know what models of much they use, of course. It’s definitely not the same as mine, mines for cell phones.

Never go full reddit.


I’m now hoping the ending of this is like Bryan or someone coming forward for the bounty, fessing up including verifiable details, and Perkins and Haralabololobolololololos being like, “LOL do not pass go, do not collect $200,000, go directly to jail!”

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It’s obvious why liars, cheats, and scammers would go on this guy’s show. He’s the Joe Rogan of poker interviewers and credulously allows people to spew obvious bullshit without challenging them on anything. What I can’t understand is why anyone watches it.


Watch Robbi’s segment last night and you’ll get your answer. Wildly entertaining.

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I watched five minutes of it and it was the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. Literally anyone would be an upgrade over this bonehead. This show tonight will just be another liar lying and Joey sitting back saying, “Yeah man, I totally feel for ya. Yeah, yeah I’m on your side.”

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Yeah but it gets people like Robbi to come in and let their guard down and incriminate themselves.

Not really because nothing she said was incriminating. Incriminating would be if he was actually not a dope and knew how to ask sharp questions when obvious crazies start contradicting themselves and completely making shit up.

It’s not a news show and doesn’t pretend to be. He isn’t a journalist. It’s exactly what he says it is. I don’t even think the Rogan comparison is fair because Rogan pretends to be addressing serious issues. Ingram has never pretended to be more than a guy of likes to chat poker and shoot the shit.

What do you mean nothing incriminating? The incel guilt meter is up to 300 percent after last nights interview.

So your position is that he’s simply a cynical grifter trolling for stream clicks? I guess I can buy that.

Agree with all that except grifter. He isn’t tricking anyone.

I love stealing $15,000 on camera then going on a podcast to talk about it. What was George Floyd accused of again?


It’s called the white guy confession.

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People in chat at the start of the stream were saying DGAF was supposed to commentate tonight but was “on the lam” but I have no idea if they are serious or not.

Gonna say not.



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