Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ


the whole segment is incredible - he was defending her all week and was super nice to her and she starts just attacking him as he’s trying to explain he’s on her side

Actually, I was wrong, lol. Former roommate says it’s not enough, but it’s a start, there would be cameras etc, so yeah, the dude is not smart for putting that shit in text.

Hypothetically, if she posed as him and wrote that DM then posted it from her account, publicizing a fake confession to a crime that was under investigation, wouldn’t that be an additional crime? Interfering with an investigation or something?

Getting dangerously close to



Last night listening to her unravel on stream, it struck me as possibly being somewhat Trumpian. Like this is how I would expect someone to react who got away with scams/lies/whatever their whole life by just raising the stakes and doubling down with a new lie, then when it’s finally not working it’s the only move they knows. So they raise the stakes and double down again, getting increasingly frustrated that anyone dare question their story.

Difference is, the poker community is not quite as much of a pushover as Merrick Garland.

I was going to make a joke about this the other day, something like:

I don’t know about all these theories, but If Roman Reigns runs out here, jumps off the top rope, and Superman Punches Doug Polk, I’m going to start thinking this is all fake.

I couldn’t quite workshop the wording correctly in my head so I didn’t post it.


You don’t even need to learn hexadecimal or hack the anal beads. Check it out, someone open-sourced this project like 11 days ago


Imagine playing J-rag in an effort to stack someone…

As if we needed further proof we’re in a simulation

yessssss i am dying to gamble on this

I would snap bet as much as possible on the no

even if she’s cheating, no way we get a resolution in 3 weeks


Where can I lay 1000:1 that she didn’t cheat?


whatever happens, if nvg cracks the case before us we’re a fucking embarrassment

I have moved to 60% “something bullshit” happened

Ugh, DGAF looking increasingly sus here too. He bet $200 into $1200 on the turn and snap folded to a raise to $600. He had AQcc, villain had 66, board Q32ss6x.

Obviously not prove, just suspicious, it’s possible he has a read that guy never semi-bluffs and doesn’t overplay TPGK, or something about the way the guy put in the raise… But still, it’s a sus hand. He’s been playing on stream for months so if he was in on it there will be a pattern available and this hand would just be one data point to look at. I’m sure the community will look into it now.

Yeah that’s why Russ and Jesus can’t be seen in public.


Is a player who pretty much never bluff raises and never value raises without at least two pair that rare of a betting pattern?