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I didn’t tie the Hendon Mob reference to that but now I get it - tx.

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I have concluded this was all orchestrated by Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. We’re all victims.


I’m 100% certain i dunno whats going on


You and me both buddy. My 99.9% is long evaporated.

Can I get a sum up for someone who was busy as fuck yesterday? Tyia

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No news today other than supposedly guy who stole the 15k texted Robbi.

Yesterday it was confined an inside guy who had access to all hole cards was caught stealing $15k off robbis stack. She didn’t want to press charges.

Seems like we think everyone is dirty now? Been out of the loop for 15 hours or so.

I was 85% no cheating yesterday now I’m like 70% cheating. I am on the low end of the cheating scale itt too.

100% confirmed everyone involved is nut low dumb no matter the actual outcome.


It worked for Trump.

Maybe one of the parties involved will be US President in a few years.

In tomorrow’s episode, a suspicious Venmo transaction from Bryan to Garrett for $15k is revealed, once again blowing up everything you thought you knew. (This is parody. I think.)


Season finale is obviously that Phil Galfond is the ring leader to all this. Shoe drop. Season two isn’t renewed so we never resolve the cliffhanger.

this is what actually happened


I prefer the wise words of Dwight Schrute:

“Whenever I’m about to do something, I think, ‘Would an idiot do that?’ And if they would, I do not do that thing.”


Brought down by an ellipse!

My former roommate is a prosecutor, and I sent her this tweet and asked if she would prosecute this guy if she saw this and she was like “absolutely, I hate a thief.”

It was a private text message, not a tweet. Can cops use that without a warrant if a third party released it?

through all this we finally find out that dwan was indeed the guy that owed voulgaris millions and it’s been paid back

loved when he showed up on ingrams show last night and talked for like 10 mins and then was asked a question and he’s like “oh this is about the hustler hand?”


Of course

Crim law is not my jam, but it almost certainly would be enough for probable cause imo.