Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

maybe they just dont know they can do this, none of them are technical at all

It’s gonna be hilarious if charges end up being pressed on any of this when one of them hires a lawyer who knows nothing about it. Lawyer’s first question is going to be, “Did you talk to anybody?”

Nope, not at all, other than the 18 live stream interviews that are archived, oh and a series of DMs on Twitter with my co-conspirator. What’s that? You say I should delete them? OK, cool. Should I delete the tweeted screenshots too?


Maybe everyone is in on this, the players, producers, the “content creators”. It’s all just some kind of new style of reality television.


Lol this is oddly the most plausible explanation so far!


It could easily be controlled by hardware, not software. No log on the hardware if so.

lol I had this exact thought last night


You two suck at cheating at poker. Period.

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the stuff that is gonna interact with the hardware is gonna be software - which will leave logs almost always - unless it’s a literal remote hardware switch he has, I dont know, that’d be extremely weird and primitive. I’m just guessing but to me this sounds kind of weird and unplausible

all involved would be wise to heed the words of michael scott:

“ Don’t ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you’ve been… ever, for any reason whatsoever.”



One of the problems that makes this more difficult than, say, the Postle situation is it’s LA poker scene ghouls, and they all could range anywhere from (1) actual Pacific Palisades heirs to hundred million dollar fortunes, (2) Armenian mafia, or (3) common peasants playing one of those characters. But the problem is that all of these species present identically in the wild, often wearing Versace leggings and RM Bubba Watsons, and with an uncanny valley subsurface scattering in the epidermis that resembles aerospace-grade plastics. And yet all will claim or pretend to be from group (1), so it’s hard to tell what level anyone is on.


this made me nearly spit out my coffee thank you

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I feel like all things considered it’s now back in the 98%+ chance she cheated range.

I feel like what most people are missing is that it feels like the main goal of all of it was to increase her fame level and get her to be poker famous, not to steamroll the game for tons of $$.

I’d imagine they set it up so that she could own either Garrett or Ivey in a huge pot to generate a hand that would create tons of clicks and get her on all the podcasts to talk about it, they just did it in such a dumb way that it had to be cheating.


You were my target audience for that post lol.

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Someone is claiming there is a player who in a 23 session stretch drew the two seat 17 times and won $222,530 in that seat, and lost $59,685 in 6 other sessions. (Edit: it appears the seats are assigned, not random for most of these sessions, but the player in the 2 seat is the one assigning them. Still, it’s not unusual to prefer 2/3/7/8.)

In the first six sessions, they had seat 2 once. Then they had it 16 of the next 17. The other time they had seat 7, which was Rip’s seat.

But they won’t say who it is.

So who was Seat 2 on 10/3/22? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck it’s DGAF. He commentates some of their streams and he’s tight with Garrett. He also has a long/good reputation in poker.

(Edit: His results are within the normal bounds for a 23 session sample and this could easily be a coincidence, but HCL should probably have the investigators look into it anyway to be safe.)

it’s soooooo true and I have a few acquaintances that I still can’t tell. they’ll present as exorbitant millionaires but drive a basic c class mercedes. dead giveaway

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This implies that you understand how the seat assignment process works for this game.

Is it not a random draw?

have heard no, have heard yes, depending on who’s talking about it

No idea, but I wouldn’t make an assumption that it definitely was a random draw. It’s a TV show.

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