Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

What was said last night although I’m unsure of veracity was that he immediately paid off markers with it, that was said by someone supposedly connected to hustler on joeys stream, forgot the name though

Not so sure. I remember Dnegs telling a story of him finding a $25k chip under his bed he had no idea he lost. :grin:

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my bad - people keep repeating shit like it’s absolute truth and I need to stop doing that too. on joey’s stream they kept repeating that like that’s what happened.


HCL paying her back makes sense. It was one of their employees. It’s what they should do if there was no suspicion of cheating.

Doug is playing in the game because his priority is self-promotion. Plus, he probably believes he is skilled enough to make adjustments and protect himself from potential cheating.

Her unreliable narrative is no big deal. The drug angle might explain it. She may just be bad at remembering things. There is poker content out there where people describe hands and do it so badly to the point that they are told there are clear inconsistencies and they have to correct themselves.

You’re an aficionado of the Amanda Knox thread, right? Weren’t the local police suspicious of her because her story changed under questioning? The same thing is going on here. Some people believe if you change your story, that means you’re probably lying. If you’re lying, that means you’re probably guilty of something. Her critics start with a belief that the inconsistencies in her story are evidence of lying, so she must be trying to hide that she cheated and interpret all evidence to support that suspicion.

Of course, not every misstatement is a lie and she could be trying to obscure things other than cheating.

And some minority out there think she’s lying because “bitches be lying”, but just because some misogynists doubt her, that doesn’t mean that all of her doubters are misogynists.


Yea I agree with all this and is pretty much my take right now, except that I think it is obvious she’s a pathological liar. the reason I think this is because she’s been lying about things that make no sense to lie about - something pathological liars do (especially drug addicts).

I’m now making assumptions and inferences based on what she’s said, but her actions are entirely consistent with a liar on drugs caught in a stupid situation.

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she said something interesting on stream last night one could also read way too much into - she was talking about this guy that stole, I forget his name, and how she feels sympathy for him because “he’s in the exact same situation I’m in.”

like, what? no he isn’t, unless you think you stole something too.

I took a quick look at the stream and it seems like a lot of players don’t stack their chips in a way that makes it easy to tell at a glance how much they have. There also points in the pre-game where chips are on the table and no one is seated, not even a dealer. Most likely, some players are lax about protecting their chips because they assume no one would steal anything with the camera running and people in the room who might not be watching closely.

My initial reaction was that there’s no way you can know that a whale is cheating from one crazy play. Then I quickly shifted to thinking that if Garrett is willing to instantly blow up a game where he makes a shit load of money, he must have had prior suspicions and solid reasons. When I saw she had 40-some cashes in $100 donkaments over 7 years, I went up to 80+% cheating because even a terrible grinder couldn’t possibly make that noob of a play for $135k.

When Garrett didn’t bring up any other hands or evidence, I started moving down and Hendon Mob removing all those cashes made a big difference. Probably 30% at that point. I don’t really get how people on either side were so confident in such a weird situation.

Once it’s known that there is a corrupt insider who has access to live hole cards, with the ability to signal players using the mic pack LED by muting them AND this person stole, on camera, 10% of the winnings from the most sus hand ever off Robbi’s stack, it’s a fucking lock, 98%+.

My personal theory is that Robbi’s motivation was to totally own Garrett a couple times to build her reputation for some greater scam. This would explain why they aren’t cheating on every hand, as well as why she threw in a timebank on the river with J-high previously and why she snap gave the money back. The people involved were just too dumb/desperate/bad at poker to realize that this hand is a giant flashing red arrow that says “CHEATING”.

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it’s easy to poke holes wide open in this story, for instance why the hell did he decide that the best way to collect his winnings was in a room with 4 cameras after a hand he knew would almost certainly would cause the entire game to be reviewed?

if he was doing that it seems like they could prove it in 2 seconds by looking at logs from any of the software they were using.

I think something is weird here for sure and it is gonna be absolutely hilarious if something happened and everyone that’s been using confirmation bias since hour zero of this is gonna be even more convinced of that bias, absolutely the most hilarious outcome to me

This seems like a fair review of shifting probabilities.

I still have trouble understanding why they would pick this hand if you have full knowledge of all cards.




This keeps on giving

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Those messages definitely reek of “BIG STRONG MEN WITH TEARS IN THEIR EYES”


Holt fuck this woman needs to stop all communication of every kind. She is like anti PR!

HLC gonna love she posted this!

It’s like they’re trying to make me feel stupid for thinking this wasn’t a setup.


and that kid needs to NOT show up on that interview! her husbands a lawyer and she (at least according to her) is smart enough to know that this would be very bad for him no matter what!

like LOL at all of this. were gonna need a robbi bot in here soon because im not following her and im not gonna

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if he was doing that it seems like they could prove it in 2 seconds by looking at logs from any of the software they were using.

Yeah this is the problem i have with the mic on off theory.

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