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It says Adderall Xr on the label (although pretty sure we get generic).

Adderall and Mydayis are trade names for a combination drug called mixed amphetamine salts containing four salts of amphetamine.

I can assure you there is usually IME some withdrawal from amphets prescribed for ADHD but no meds for a day or two no biggie I guess.

Fair enough. I was just going on what my doctor told me about taking breaks and my quick web research (e.g. Webmd said that “Most people who take it as instructed don’t have any issues if they take a break from it. But if you use it too often or take too much, you might notice some effects when you stop.”)

I guess it does say “most” so I’ll check with the doctor again next appointment as I had the understanding that the risks of withdrawal from a break were pretty much none (so long as she only took the prescribed dosage).

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Yeah, there’s still way too much speculation for me. Confirmation of some of this stuff, like a significant connection between Robbi and the Bryan guy would go a long way. This is at least a much more realistic and plausible theory, unlike vibrating chairs and a rfid scanner in a pack of gum.

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One of the issues with having adhd is that it is very easy to forget to take your medication because you can be so easily distracted. I can’t tell you how many days I’ve thought about taking my medication, only to walk out the door minutes later on my way to work having forgotten to take it. Not saying she forgot or anything, this is just a random aside providing some jnsight into the world of adhd.

yea believe me i know, sorry for the derail, I agree with the doc that taken as prescribed is pretty low risk, HOWEVER for me personally to get the same therapeutic effect over time required either:

  • tolerance breaks, which would have the w/d symptoms i described (and if you go on any adhd board they all talk about this)
  • increasingly large doses, which made my chest hurt so I stopped everything about 9 months ago
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My doctor encourages taking breaks from it because it can lose its effectiveness, I believe. Anyway, I only take it for work and pretty much always stop taking it on the weekend and I can’t say I’ve ever noticed any kind of withdrawal, even when I take a Holliday from the medication on vacation.

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Only prosecutors have standing to press charges. Regular people can only go tell them what happened and see if they’ll do anything about it or file civil suits.

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Interesting, I haven’t experienced w/d symptoms and I take pretty regular breaks because the drug’s effectiveness is so critical to my ability to function effectively in my job. Yeah, sorry for the detail, though.

weekend abstinence is the real strat

not being on it would render me completely useless though so I hated doing that. Was easier in the end to just get off it entirely

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Yep, definitely. I’m pretty lucky in that my life is structured in a way that that is very feasible for me.

anyway the only reason I brought this up is she mentioned it really offhand and I know in this area you can walk into tons of doctors offices and just complain of having trouble concentrating, boom you have ADHD and have complete access to these meds.

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They had a cleavage cam?

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he didnt return it, hcl did, and apparently she found out live on a stream

apparently he lost it in a matter of days and is a massive Degen

nothing makes sense lol

A massive degen stealing to support his gambling addiction makes sense. What about it doesn’t make sense to you?

yea, I mean the whole hcl paying her back, doug now playing in the game, her unreliable narrative - connecting it all together in any coherent way doesn’t make sense and is why I’m leaning towards everyone is wrong and it’s just a lot of idiots in a room with a lot of money.

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It seems possible that he’s noticed that many of the new/rec players don’t know their exact stack when cashing out, and has been targeting their stacks as they won’t miss $10k or whatever he’s been taking.

this whole thing reminds me of something that happened in my genealogy search -

I couldn’t track down my grandpa because apparently he was a real life don draper and completely switched his birth name. I had to do insane stuff searching various census and birth databases to try to pinpoint his birth certificate and all I really had was his mother’s approximate location -

Anyway, i found someone with her exact name (which wasn’t a common one at all), living in the right area, with a son of the same name as my grandfather, right in the same time and area I would expect to have found them. Turned out it wasn’t them at all and just a big coincidence. One other time, some similar deadend happened.

Coincidences are real, but something odd is going on for sure. we as humans are wired to find patterns and meaning in everything. it is a heavy bias I see on display here on both sides.

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Yeah, I have to confess that I was always pretty bad about keeping track of my exact count. People could have easily shaved chips from me over the years and I would have had no idea. Granted, the highest I ever played regularly was live 5-10. I’m sure it’s a little different when you have such an insane amount of money on the table.