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The fact that rip lost money in the game hurts the conspiracy theory.

Assuming the conspiracy theory this is the final score for them

Robbi up $153k
Rip down $44.5k
Robbi gives back $135k

Total score -$25.5k

Oh right, I agree with that. I just don’t think it’s incredibly suspicious for a wealthy person to accept being staked in a game he/she could otherwise afford.

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Her giving the money back doesn’t really count against a conspiracy theory, though. She could have gotten cold feet once in the moment and unilaterally tried to pull the ripcord by giving the money back and playing it off.

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Agree but it counts to the moron ranking. :grinning:

I find it hard to reconcile Rip losing $44.5k though.

He could have been tilted by the whole situation.

Really looks like a heist gone wrong where all three participants fucked up in their own greedy ways. Like they had this master plan but as soon as Garrett raised his eyebrow they all went off the rails in a different direction. Too many coincidence ls for me to say nothing fishy was going on. Not enough hard evidence to say 100% cheated, yet. But it’s looking way more like cheat than no cheat. And robbi sounds like an absolutely insane idiot.

I’m still not there - there needs to be a coherent narrative here, and there just isn’t.

Nothing in either scenario makes much sense for sure.

I think both scenarios can be made to make sense if we don’t require the people involved to be rational, intelligent beings.

The cheating scenario requires some sort of relationship to be established between Robbi and the Bryan15k guy. A twitter follow isn’t going to do it

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I decided to check this theory. Here are the stats right before the j4 hand. Tilt is a reasonable explanation. I’d want to check his actual hands to confirm though. I don’t have time for that.

Or Bryan and Rip if we assume it’s a threesome.

Right. That would certainly work. But right now all we know is that Robbi is the victim of a theft by a member of the HCL staff.

All the motives for why he stole from her being thrown around are just speculation at this point. Also, #neverforget that the stable genius who knows he was cheated also publicly declared that he knows that HCL had nothing to do with it.

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nothing worth reading in here except she’s claiming that the shaking chair was her being fidgety because “she forgot to take her adhd meds” which lends to my theory she’s got a drug problem. people on adhd meds don’t typically forget to take them to the point of withdrawal like that.

Leg shaking isn’t withdrawal from from ADHD meds, it’s just a symptom of ADHD. So if you skip the meds for one day, that symptom will come back as pretty much all ADHD meds are out of your system in under 24 hours.

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I used to take adhd meds, being fidgety/restless is definitely a withdrawal symptom. I don’t really believe that someone like her with a double degree and one of them being philosophy has full blown adhd but I have a degree and I have it so who knows maybe she’s a genius.

plus in LA at least these meds are super easy to get, even legitimately

I’m curious what you mean by withdrawal symptom because my daughter is on them and the doctor told us there would be no withdrawal symptoms. That she can skip taking them for a day (or even the entire summer) with zero issues. She doesn’t take them on the weekend and summers and we’ve never seen any effects (other than her going back to her pre-medicated state).

Methylphenidate or Dexamphetamine?

depends on what she takes and how large the dose is, typically if i didnt take mine on a large dose i’d get extremely sleepy for a day and agitated/irritable

someone who abuses it would get worse symptoms depending on med

something like adderall is extremely habit forming. restlessness is a w/d symptom of lots of drugs though and one thing I’m very certain of is she’s on a lot of them