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Playing the long game to set people up for the next Coinflex.

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Does Polk ever do anything inconsistent with being an attention whore? Is HCL’s main motive to keep the show running?

He might be an attention whore but he doesnt seem to take -$ev decisions. How can you play on a show that we now know for certain is not kosher (regardless of robbi). I honestly dont get it

He can play if he has extreme confidence in his ability to recognize when he is being cheated and avoid traps.

Doyle just out here subtweeting everybody (well, mostly Robbi, but, also, kinda everybody)


Imagine trying to bring a court case about this and Robin Quivers is on the jury.

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Leaning towards this woman just being genuinely insane lol. Wtf is she on about

I honestly haven’t followed this closely enough to understand the latest twist and the players you are referencing, but charges aren’t brought by individuals,they’re brought by the government.

FBI doesn’t get involved unless it’s a massive interstate larceny/conspiracy. Run of the mill larcenies, even large ones, are state.

So I bowed out of this thread like 4 days ago. Is the cliffs that @anon38180840 was right all along and she totally cheated?


No, but maybe. Scroll back 12 hours.

This still feels like one of those events that the internet over analyzes because it’s fun drama, making mountains out of molehills while forgetting that dumb shit and stupid coincidences happen all the time. Obviously any connection to a dude that can see hole cards increases the chances of cheating but it still feels like the story is just a bunch of idiots being idiots.

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I’d say this is my current estimate too.

No matter how it’s ends up it is for sure a bunch of idiots being idiots.

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It’s what geewhysee said. More info has come out that drastically increases the chances the J4 hand involved cheating, for me at least.

Eh, feels like there is too much speculation about the people involved. If some of these back stories are confirmed, then I think there is too much to consider it all coincidence.

Even if you’re loaded, a free roll is better than risking your own cash.

If all the conspiracy theories turn out true it’s not really a freeroll. It’s a conspiracy with a money guy (rip) funding a scam, and inside man (Bryan) and a face (Robbi). There is no variance given they know all the cards so they know they are going to win.

The thing they are risking isn’t money, it’s criminal penalties and reputation. They are all equally exposed to those outcomes.