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Robbi: “I don’t give a shit about 15 grand. I don’t give a fuck about 135 thousand. Tomorrow morning, LA Times will release an article on me.”

She’s saying she bought a ring for $120K, and the LA Times will do a full analysis of the ring and the jewelry store she bought it from.

now she’s saying she will prosecute “to shut them up” lollllll why doesnt she stfu either way!

I think she’s just a pathological liar is how this is feeling. they lie about shit that doesnt make sense to lie about.

First she said she went out to dinner, now she’s saying she went out for drinks, now she’s saying she DOES have a publicist.

Haralobos: WHy do you have a publicist?


Careful dude, her publicist is gonna be looking for you! lol

Back to front. Interesting was how the most strident libruls jumped to an assumption of guilt with only sci-fi chairthquakes triggered from a phone as theories.

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Ryan Fee says they follow each other on IG, too.

my take is now i have nfi what is going on, definitely something bizarre

This is so fucking weird, her IG link is a link to the livestream starting at the J8dd hand.

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like her whole cop story sounded completely made up

she cant just decide whether he gets charges or not, why the fuck does she keep saying that?

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She has no idea who he is but followed him back b/c she saw he followed HCL. Do we have a JLaw emoji on here?


works for me

she’s got a strong selfie to normal photo ratio I usually associate with people I avoid in this city, lol


Nope, it just started at the beginning for me. Probably more likely that was the last place you watched that stream.

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It’s mostly true in practice. Cops/prosecutors are lazy, so for something like this, while they could bring charges on their own, without Robbi wanted to press charges, they’ll let it go. To win at trial against him, it would be hard to win without her testifying that she did not authorize him to take the money, so if she’s not cooperating, it’s not a case they will want to bring.

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OK that makes sense.

She’s changed her story multiple times about this phone call within this interview.

right, I thought though there was a larceny amount where the fbi becomes involved.

source: my sketchy 16 year old recollection of an all cash business I worked at that got robbed and the fbi got involved over a similar-ish amount. they came in with polygraphs and everything. was nuts

My god Ingram is so fucking bad at this.


This ring thing is insane. She’s making it like the whole thing centers on the ring, she’s having the LA Times write about it, having a jeweler verify it. But 15 mins ago she was going to go to an LA jeweler, now she’s going to do it in Vegas.

She’s making no sense.

Robbi: “I know my truth.”

what in the name of jesus electrical christ is going on here