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I doubt rip is an upstanding citizen. Barksdale didnt press charges against omar.

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Shaun Deeb floating the idea that Garrett may have already suspected some people were cheating on stream and targeting him because he’s a good target for cheaters, and he may not want to name other names because he doesn’t want them to get away with it, and that his suspicions were possibly already high going in.
Good :thread:


Wow i literally copy it now to put it here.

Anyway he sums up my thoughts very well. I think id stay at over 20 even if he stole before though

I think once you add a confirmed corrupted insider with access to hole cards and interaction with robbi i dont think you can really not lean cheating


It appears Bryan is the one who mic’d up Robbi. It’s possible he mic’d up everyone though, I don’t know.

Robbi is about to come on with Joey.

What’s the story on the donk wearing the cowboy hat and Bubba Watson? He seems really mad that Gman “made” her give the money back, which makes no sense.

Rip (cowboy hat) was her backer.

Robbi is talking shit to Shaun Deeb now, calling everything bullshit, and just ranting about people questioning her.

He was on Joey investigation stream day 2 and admitted he was staking Robbi’s whole buyin (250k including what was in her rack behind) and splitting profits 50/50. He also, bizarrely, logged into the zoom call on the stream from Robbi’s account.


But people have claimed he’s not really her backer, right? That someone is backing all of them?

Dwan alluded to something about how they got the buyin, but didn’t actually disclose anything. He’s in Singapore or something so who knows what he knows?

Robbi says a million dollars is nothing to her, and she’ll play for it, but also it’s a lot of money, but if people accuse her she’ll play them for it because they have awakened the wolf in her.

She just called Haralabos “Haralabolobolobolobolobos”

She’s in rare form just ranting at everyone.

Haralabos: “This is Haralabolobolobolobolobos”

Robbi: “Who the fuck are you?”

Haralabos: “I’m nobody.”

Robbi: “I’ve never had to get a publicist.”

Apparently he was defending her by telling other people not to discuss her personal life, and she’s now screaming at him for discussing her personal life, and he seems super confused.

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Robbi: Milk this for everything you need to milk it for, because I’m gonna get you after. But milk it for your clout.

None of this makes any sense. Million is nothing to her but she’s staked by a union electrician wearing a $150k Richard Mille who doesn’t have another buyin for the game? And allegedly they’re fucking, yet he watches Yeeman corner her and “make” her give back the money, instead puffing out his chest for the cameras and saying “I don’t play this fucking bullshit”? Like, I don’t always stake women I’m boning in poker games for $250k, but when I do I definitely let creepy poker dudes corner them and force them to hand over my money that was won legitimately.

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It all makes sense if the plan falls apart once Robbi calls with J4o instead of say, 77.

Robbi panics and tries to pay/placate Garrett

Behind scene dude steals because he won’t get a cut otherwise

Rip is mad because his share was tossed away.

Basically a heist gone bad.

Robbi: “I’m gonna actually prosecute him, just so you guys all shut up.”

She’s now changing her story on asking if this guy has a criminal record.