Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

Guy on Joey’s stream says for sure guy took chips off the stack off the table, immediately paid off several markers and has been playing higher stakes than usual

This guy also says they’re looking into whether he has done this in the past.

One time during a series a dude dropped ~1500 in a money clip because their pants were in literal tatters. Dude was a drunk nobody, casual fish. Because it was around extra added tourney tables, cameras don’t get a good view of this table. Dude donks some off, goes to rebuy, money is gone.

Now I can’t remember this next bit 100%, but scummier reg had found the $ under the table. Offers to split it with the guy and he accepts.

so HCL is offering a cheater back the money stolen from her by a coconspirator who worked for them for years as a way to protect the integrity of the game they host?


Macciello says no baccarat play for this guy. Weird cause Johnnie Vibes says he knows the guy a bit and the guy plays baccarat.

Also says the guy was heavily interrogated and didn’t give up anything as far as cheating, but they’re still investigating.

He confirms that Bryan was the one who toggled the mics.

I think this is true, but Doug said he knows her to be dating Rip so I don’t know if that’s in addition to her marriage or in place of it

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Doug says he’s been told they’ve been seen together and it looked romantic, both are married, and her husband was threatening to sue Garrett or whatever to clear her name so, who the hell knows on that front?

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None of this shit makes sense. Like even if i now assume the most likely scenario is that she cheated, not a single individual’s action in this story makes sense to me



If you can’t dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit.

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Doug Polk is playing there right now. How is this possible. Why doesnt anything makes sense. How do they not shut down production?!

I’d still say it adds to the suspiciousness because she didn’t press charges OR get her money back from him. Also it proves that someone with access to hole cards and a highly plausible signaling mechanism has no issue stealing from players.

Not pressing chargers dont mean much to me tbh. The coincidence of an employee with hole cam access taking money from her stack is enough to move me


They probably know more than they’re letting on, they’re probably confident they got the guy and that he was the only insider, and Doug also probably knows more than is public.

Why not? You don’t think it’s odd that he didn’t give her the money back and she still didn’t press charges? She didn’t know then that HCL would pay her the $15K.

That doesnt fucking matter. I wouldnt play there until they finish the investigation and implement some drastic changes. This is fucking crazy to me

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Wait… Does HCL now become a victim in the $15K theft because they paid it back to Robbi, thus giving them the standing to press charges? @j8i3h289dn3x7

This would then give them leverage to get him to roll.

I wouldn’t play there either, agreed on that.
