Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

I think the implication is that this either:

Wasn’t random

Wasn’t the first/only time

If they had no reason to take $15k other than being a degen but had never stolen or done shady stuff before:

Why her stack?
Why that night?
Why is she not upset about it, or even demanding the money back?

It just doesn’t add up yet.


At this point both the cheating and not cheating scenarios are almost equally bizarre.

How’s this for a working theory?

This Bryan guy has a gambling problem, and he’s regularly donking off money in poker games and baccarat pits. He has access to hole card info and decides this is a great way to solve his financial problems. He meets Robbi somewhere along the way, maybe in a mid-stakes cash game around LA? 5/10 or 10/20 or 20/40 or something? He thinks, hmm, she can play a little, she’s an attractive woman, we can definitely get her in the game. Or maybe it goes through Rip to find Robbi, who knows?

Either way they cut a deal, they set it up, they test the system out the first night but don’t really use it. They come back to use it the second night, but they’re not really getting any big opportunities.

Then the J4 hand happens, and he’s signaling her that she’s ahead, but she fucks up and opens the door for Garrett to rip it in over the top. She could have just double floated and bluffed river, or jammed turn herself, but she is a mediocre poker player who made a bad decision. Now Garrett rips it in, and this guy has a choice… He can signal her that she’s ahead or to call or whatever, and they gamble getting the right price but in a super suspicious way. If she wins, she’s up $170K and he gets a cut of that. If she loses, she’s down $100K but that’s not his problem. Or they can fold, she can be +$9K, and he has his cut of that.

He’s got what? 20 seconds to make that decision? In this theory he’s got a gambling problem, after all, so he’s like fuck it, we may not get a better chance by the end of the night. Plus, it’s September 29. Bills are due in a day or two.

She calls, doesn’t play it off well, and then all hell breaks loose. She gives the money back, tells him he’s not getting his cut of that $135K because they got called out and she wants it to go away, but that’s not an option for him because he has money problems. So fuck it, he steals the $15K off her stack. Maybe he knows he’s getting fired, but he needs the money and what’s she gonna do, rat him out and go down with him?

Now on the other side, HCL/Hustler probably know within 2-3 hours of him stealing the chips that he stole the chips, if not immediately. Feldman or Vertucci tells Gman they’re getting more and more evidence, he’s for sure right, and to lay low while they smoke them out…

Meanwhile, they’re reviewing surveillance tapes of him in the production room, his comings and goings for probably days/weeks leading up to this on surveillance tapes. Possibly getting tapes from other LA casinos/poker rooms too. While that’s going on, Robbi gives a million interviews thinking she got away with it, and then they approach her with this “totally unrelated” theft to get her on the record that she never met the guy.

Now they go for phone records, scour the surveillance tape, and try to prove that they knew each other and/or were in communication leading up to it.

Feels like it’s going to be some version of that or something similar. Biggest questions to me are whether Rip or someone else was involved, and whether anyone else in production was involved.

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I don’t think it was random. I think that’s just too insane.

Sounds like he was playing smaller games, but regardless if he was losing most of the time, who’s gonna complain about it?

Now HCL is giving Robbi $15K.

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Doesn’t seem like something they would do if they believed she was part of a cheating scheme.


none of it makes much sense either way. I thought you were saying he didn’t steal it or something - agree probably not “random.”

I was 65/35 no cheat and am now 90/10 in favor of cheat

I could’ve believed the misread. I could’ve believed all the dumb justifications afterwards was out of nervousness and to save face. I could’ve believed she gave back the money to Garrett for same reasons. But then being so chill with some guy stealing $15k of your money?! Nah…

This is bottomless

Yeah her reaction to the guy stealing $15k is really sus. But what do I know? Not much, evidently. Wasn’t someone saying she is loaded?

No, not on the surface, but they do have a strong immediate interest in making sure people trust that their chips are safe on stage, and $15K may be a drop in the bucket for them in that regard for all we know. Could also be a ploy to get Robbi to come in person.

That reminds me of a funny story. A few years ago playing 2/5, someone spilled something and we had to move tables. A guy had $5K in a little cloth bag, and he somehow dropped it without realizing when we moved tables. He realized it later, and couldn’t find it. So he told the manager and they went to surveillance and obviously were able to trace it back pretty easily.

So it turned out this other reg, who coincidentally was a Trumper who always bitched about how Democrats wanted to mooch off other people’s hard work, had scooped it up and taken it home. So the manager calls the guy, and says hey we saw you picked that up. He tells him that he just took it home to count it for the guy who lost it and give it to him the next time he saw him. So the manager tells him that makes total sense but just bring it in to him and he’ll give it to the guy, no problem, no questions asked.

The guy brings it in, they take it from him, and immediately permaban him and call the cops.


She’s either loaded beyond belief or unable to come up with the buyin for the $200/400 stream game. :man_shrugging:

I am surprised.


Am I misremembering this stuff? I thought she was married to some wealthy attorney?

So you’re at 100% now?

I mean, maybe? Who knows who these people really are and what they really do? Different people are saying different things in that regard.

Haralabos and Joey talking about how nittuci should not be playing in the games

I mean this is the most absurd development possible. Why the fuck would he take his cut off the table in a room full of cameras. But this is suspicious as fuck, unlike yoga pants.


No, that was always a bad look regardless. The appearance of impropriety is no good, even if he’s 100% on the up and up.