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Clovis you’re seriously still in here trying to argue they didn’t cheat? I mean, fuck, Robbi must be the unluckiest poker player of all time! Makes the sickest call in human history, gets accused of cheating and tricked into giving the money back, then gets robbed for $15K to boot… But being the most generous person in the history of poker, she’s like fuck it, they can both keep my money, what’s $150K after all?

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That’s like your opinion, bro. Clovis is like 60% sure that didn’t happen, I think.

Just got home. Ripped a couple of hits of purple gelato. Saw 229 posts added.

Thread delivers.


Good burn if only I hadn’t just posted it did happen.

You really are owning me here. The pain is unbearable.

So a few things need to happen:

They have to go over the chip stacks for every time this dude was in the room now. I’d expect players to notice huge amounts missing from their stack, but there are plenty of recs and rich whales playing these games. Would a Keating or Beast or whoever notice ~10k? Who knows!

Why would they be colluding together? We have a player who bought in for apparently $0 of their own money, then got involved in the weirdest and most prolific poker hand in a decade. Did their backer know? How many people are involved in some level? I know I’ve said I don’t expect people to cheat in an intelligent way, but from what we know this is as dumb as it gets.

This obviously makes it way more likely, and almost certainly there was cheating involved. But it opens up 1000 more questions.


I really can’t figure out how this makes cheating more likely other than it’s just some random goofy data point including robbie, but I’m certain if there is anything untoward it will come out in the end.

The amazing thing is you honestly believe the end result has bearing on if you made a proper argument. You can make a terrible argument (which you objectively did and still are doing) and still turn out to be right by sheer coincidence.

I need more though, like this:

A “Super High Stakes” table on Thursday night had two players in on a hand, neither of whom really had any business playing. Garrett Adelstein and Robbi Jade Lew were at $813K and $133K chips respectively, and sitting on pretty garbage hands. Garrett is sitting on 8, 7 suited


It also wasn’t even their money! Imagine staking someone for 6 figures into a game, them winning huge, getting robbed and being fine having the pot and further money from their stack stolen! And it’s just no big deal.

You’re just jealous of CW and his amazing investigative skills…


15K would have been what, 5% of her stack?

I’m not sure I buy that people would automatically notice this discrepancy even if the absolute numbers are really high.

Even if somebody thought they might be a little short upon returning to the table after a break, I think most people would just assume it was their mistake rather than entertain the notion that somebody swiped chips in full view of all the cameras.

As far as getting rid of the chips, the thief probably just sold them to Mikki for 85 cents on the dollar.

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Pure speculation: I’m guessing Garrett was aware of whatever odd setup there was for the stake money.

That combined with the the unlikely event of that call is why he reacted so intensely. I think he’s an empath which would make decision making impossible in the moment.

More shoes dropping should not have been a surprise since Garrett returning the money had to be 70%+ with the info we had up until today.


The non-conspiracy scenario still seems as or more likely than the conspiracy scenario. Dude probably tweeted defending her because he didn’t want anyone reviewing video in detail, seeing as he jacked three chips off her stack.

I would think most people would be very much aware of how much they are up or down and how much money they have in front of them when they take shots at big games.

Supposedly he’s a degen and regularly was seen donking off money at 20/40 NLHE game that ran after the streams. If true, would be interesting to see where he was getting the money to play.

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Yeah I mean we don’t know for sure the details on the staking or how they got the money, but it’s almost certainly going to be an insane story when it comes out.

So you think this dude who has access to production and the stage whenever he wants randomly chose the night with the most attention EVER on the game, and the stack of the person under the MOST scrutiny, to steal $15K?

I’m sure it’s fairly standard for home games (with some casino players) to regularly accept casino chips as payment.

As a winning player to keep seats in certain games I have frequently had to settle for being paid in non-preferred ways. Either bank payments well after the fact or chips instead of cash.

I assume LA is no different.

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i mean that is what happened, no?

If they were letting someone in production play off camera post stream with the same players thats really poor behavior as well imo.