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If this ends up the way it’s heading, Garrett confirmed the ALL TIME GOAT. She minraises him in a stupid attempt to take control of the betting, he rips it in her face which everyone could see coming, she calls off anyway with J high and wins both runouts, having cheated him, and he gets a full refund.

Plus now they’re using Garrett Wands for metal detectors.

Gets cheated, catches her immediately, gets a refund somehow, AND gets metal wands with his name put into use.



Thanks, I think you posted that before when I asked and I forgot already.

Johnny Vibes on with Joey now for anyone who cares.

Ok that is the best evidence I’ve heard so far for guilt. Anybody with judgement bad enough to use a picture of Armenian Mike as his avatar is capable of all kinds of horrible decision making.

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Any idea which website this screenshot is from?

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Feldman must be in on it too.

Who is he?

He’s a poker vlogger who’s played on some streams, not sure if he’s been on HCL, but he says he knows a bunch of the people involved. Someone posted a tweet of his in the last couple hours about the situation.

Requiem for a Dream scene except it’s Robbi and Hans Niemann on stage sharing an ass computer.

So he had access to hole card cams and the mic audio controls, according to himself.

Seems like that can’t be him? Unless he’s working HCL on some kind of prison work release program, which would be a freaking riot!

Johnnie Vibes heard through the grapevine that this guy was a baccarat player and thinks he made $15-20 an hour.

My theory is that his cut was 10% and she wouldn’t pay him his 10% on the money she gave back to Garrett, so he just took it off her stack.

:vince: ,

What is the relevance? He’s not poor?

after Garrett accusations come out he is afraid he wont get paid and takes his cut

Relevance is he could have easily punted all his money at baccarat and was broke. Hard to play a lot of baccarat at $15-20 an hour and maintain a life in the LA area.

There is another shoe to drop.

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Another possibility is she tells him it’s too hot right now, she’ll get him later, but he needs it now and there’s no trust among thieves, so…

99% cheating now