Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

You know what you sound like when you say you’re 99.9% sure in something that it’s not possible to be 99.9% sure in? An arrogant , pompous douchebag.

No it’s not. It’s just isn’t. The fact that a scientist is a scientist isn’t why we believe in global warming or covid. It’s because they have applied the scientific method and the rules of epistemology to come to a best conclusion based on the available evidence.

Actually scientists and doctors are allowed to make up all kinds of stupid shit on this site!


From my broadcasting background, it’s going to be a small light the same size (or a bit smaller) as the little infrared signal on the end of an old television remote. They would either have red for on, no light for off, or a couple colors for on/muted but on/off. Sounds like the latter. Clipped to her belt. It’s possible he switched another players mic off/on to signal her, too. Doesn’t have to be hers.

In fact, if it was Rip’s, he could just stand up when she was in a pot and turn around so she could see his mic pack. Would explain her gaze direction during a couple big hands.

I am absolutely not the one being embarrassing right now. :grin:

Alright I’m out. If cheating is confirmed, I will take a Clovis permaban over the money (if it’s a binary system). Gonna go read some Q drops.


You evaluated the evidence poorly, weighted it poorly, and were extremely disrespectful and rude to those who were doing a better job of evaluating the evidence.


AWice on Joey’s stream and sounding semi-reasonable. Darkest timeline confirmed.

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No that’s not how it supposed to work. You don’t say you’re 99% sure about covid being a hoax until people start dying in front of you. It shows that you are way too confident and way overestimate your personal judgment in the face of ambiguity and lack of information on either side.


Notice how I instantly modified my opinion with new actual evidence. Funny how that works.


You were clearly wrong about the quality of the original evidence - the hand and her reaction.


I’m surprised he gave it 1 percent when the best “evidence” was that she was using a jackhammer in her tights as a signaling device.

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The evidence is that she called off 100k with jack high and no draw on the turn my man.


You mocked Galfond for swinging 165% or whatever it was, and by the time this is over you’ll probably have ended up swinging 199.8% out of a possible 200%. But you’re definitely the one who evaluated the evidence the best out of all of us, great job!

We have ZERO new evidence to make this claim. The new evidence today speaks to the security of the stream. It doesn’t weight her reactions in any way. It also doesn’t weight the hand. You are not allowed to argue that evidence for the suspicion of the hand is the hand is really suspicious.

Cops never finger innocent people.

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Which makes no sense when cheating either. Especially since the guy can supposedly see all the hole cards and she was like a coin flip or worse against his hand. (I don’t remember what cards were dead already.)



An HCL employee who apparently had access to hole card cams stole $15K off Robbi’s stack after the stream and she declined to press charges. He was also apparently the guy who muted/unmuted their microphones, which changes the color of a light on their mic pack.

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Dwan at 100% cheating now.