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If he was at 95 percent before he must be at like 165 percent now!

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You won’t. Project harder.

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Colon vince colon, no spaces

:vince: :vince: :vince: :vince:


Did they play more after the stream ended?

Is it plausible that she might not notice the missing chips if the theory that she was on pills is correct?

CW what are your odds for cheating now? Like 99.999 percent right? Care to make a bet on it at those odds?

I mean I wish I posted earlier today but in response to the guy that posted the xkcd about experts underestimating their expertise…the relevant part of that should have been the fact that every pro in here thought there was a way higher chance of her cheating than consensus.


I lost 3 grand laying 7 to 1 on the 2016 election. I didn’t like the bet, but took half a guy’s action that initially made the bet. I didn’t love 7:1. But I don’t know how probability works or something.

Krish Menon.

(from another forum I’m on)

More appeals to authority.

You won’t find those from me either, as I was using Nate’s model to caution friends that Trump was drawing very very live.


I am pretty curious now to see what the mic light looks like.

Wow! Pro poker players that have been cheated in live games think cheating was likely to have occurred!

Been cheated in live home games. And they weren’t multi millionaire pharmaceutical geniuses / Instagram models!

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97% and no, because I don’t trust anyone on the other side of this argument ITT to agree w/ me on what an acceptably definitive outcome is.

She didn’t press charges, so this dude is gonna skate on stealing the $15K. If he talks, he’s looking at a felony and so is she. There’s no log of a mic pack switching on and off, so if that’s how he signaled her, there’s not going to be proof UNLESS another camera angle catches the light blinking off and on… and even then, how do you prove intent?

This ends like Postle. We’re all going to have a pretty good idea that they cheated and how, but nobody is going to jail. That’s my guess.

She really is going about this as stupidly as possible.

Trusting experts is not appeal to authority, it’s literally how we come to conclusions about everything from global warming to covid.


I know you think you are mocking me but rest assured, I have no regret how I have to come my conclusions itt. My opinion has always instantly shifted as new REAL evidence was found. That is how it is suppose to work not a failing on my part. Lol.

I would say with the Krish post I am moving even further to cheating being a likelihood now that we have an actual plausible method of information being transferred.


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I think Vertucci is/was trying to play her into incriminating herself. He said on a stream that from his police days, he knows how to smoke out a rat. They knew this guy stole $15K that night, for sure.

Garrett probably knew more than he let on that night when he released the statement, and he probably knew more when he donated the $135K too.

Now they have her saying in writing that she did not know this guy, and making that statement to law enforcement it sounds like? Wonder if they’ll catch them on surveillance somewhere nearby exchanging money?

Understandable, and especially so from the other side of the bet where it is impossible to prove a negative. (Not that you were the one stupidly calling Clovis out.)