Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

There’s a range of possibilities. If I wanted to explore this, I’d start by trying to come up with a list of possibilities within that range, regardless of relative probabilities, and not get fixated on whichever one I thought was most likely.

A statement by the casino itself or by HCL?

love how his immediate followup is this:

loooool doug never change

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looool “how could this get any weirder for $1000 alex”


Lol, just casually grabbing $15k off a stack in a room with a billion cameras where some really controversial shit just went down. The perfect crime!


For the record, I wouldn’t offer you this staking arrangement.

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Wow - feel they need to go through every video now and see if that employee was stealing regularly.

Not great for inspiring confidence in their security measures if they can’t even catch blatant stealing.

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No shit. This is some serious simulation shit.

In before cw says it’s more proof of her cheating.


It is funny because in these kind of situations sometimes you have a fall guy. It seems they didn’t need to invent one.

What if you could coerce him into sex as a form of makeup?


A GMan-Rip-Robbi three-way sex tape being leaked would make it weirder. Garrett announcing plans for a streamed show emanating from the (formerly Hawaiian) Gardens. Doug Polk suddenly going quiet for a week without explanation. " 14-year-old Little Brother Kali" turning out to be 28-year-old gay lover.

This makes Polks tweets soooooooooooooooooo much weirder!


How so?

How much money is HCL pulling in if they’re hiring a legitimate law firm to investigate this, on top of the security company?

Hey guys I am so impressed with hustler

Hey guys new development coming…

Everyone assumes guy about to play would tweet if it’s good

Turns out there is rampant stealing

Hey guys here is the link to me playing tonight.

I often volunteer in the count room at a local casino at 3 am because here all casinos are charity based so different charity each night has to provide volunteers.

Last time it was a random Tuesday and like -15 and snowing.

We counted $410,000

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