Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

I guess I assumed that this streaming poker game was owned by the two dudes, and not actually backed by the casino. If the casino is conducting the investigation it makes more sense to me.

But the press release says High Stakes Poker, not Hustler.

Not sure how that works.

Doug is sitting in in the same seat as Garrett :tinfoil:

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pure trolling

I’m guessing they warned them about talking too much about the cheating scandal.

Lol poker twitter has gone pure loco!

Thief being stolen from by other more brazen thief is a sign of the next poker boom.

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They guy who stole the $15k

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I just mocked CW a bit earlier but honestly this does shift me some towards the she could have been cheating end. :grimacing:


Lmao, seriously?

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Yeppers because of course. If you were programming the sim you would have to have him make this tweet!

It’s consistent with him being a clickbait artist if he thought he was enticing his followers to watch the stream to find out what he is tweeting about.

Definitely sus imo.

Aging in dog years.


Ivey’s face at like :50 is priceless.

My ass born in '97 no fucking way.

How long did it take before “She would have pressed charges if she wasn’t working with him” HERP DERP?

I mean… It’s sus as fuck, I’m back up to 95% for sure, and now I’ve got a working theory:

This dude was her inside guy, his cut was 10%, and she wouldn’t pay him because she gave it back so he said fuck you and took it himself.

Remember her thing in the interview about feeling bad she let Garrett push her around because she never lets men push her around? Then she lets this guy steal $15K and says hey no big deal don’t press charges?

You’ve gotta admit at a minimum her behavior from the moment Garrett jammed $129K has been weird as fuck more often than not.

Approximately zero seconds. The people saying that are the same kind of people who say that a woman would have pressed charges if she was really raped.

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One of the keys when you are part of a criminal conspiracy is to make sure you do the money transfer in a place where it will be caught on camera.


I’ve got a working theory that he has stolen chips from more than one player.

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