Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

People like you who are commenting on this while having 0 understanding of poker are embarrassing yourselves and doing a huge disservice to women everywhere.

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Sure thing, anonymous poker expert.

There is a huge difference between leaving the game due to suspicions and “racking up and not paying.”

Anyone who’d leave this table without paying for this hand would be a pro POS. Leaving the game due to suspicions is perfectly fine.

What we need is a third party arbitrator to handle who should and shouldn’t get paid for calling bluffs to so the paranoid can feel comfortable. Great work!

Theyre not here to talk about the hand, Theyre here to troll cw


If this hand wasn’t on stream and at this level was played on credit, decent chance it doesn’t get paid for that reason and game dies.

I imagine CW, Yuv etc have all had ppl on credit not pay up on losses in their games


I’ve had it happen twice. The first time I got the money after 2-3 weeks when the game runner finally collected. I was annoyed because I never played on the sheet and the policy was that if you always fronted the money you always got paid out, if you played on the sheet you may have to wait. Turned out that was bullshit when push came to shove. I was like 19 or 20 at the time and not experienced enough in poker to know better.

The second time the game runner paid me right away and considered it his problem to get the money from the guy, but the game didnt run on the sheet. Every now and then if someone brought 2-3 buyins and lost they’d borrow and pay back within 24 hours. The guy in this case wasn’t good for it for a while and he knew it when he lended it, so he knew it was on him. He also knew that guy would keep the game going and dropping rake for a few more hours, and he probably made like half the dude’s losses in rake in that span.

I’ve never seen anyone not pay over a suspicious hand, but I’ve also never seen a hand suspicious enough to qualify.

Let’s all congratulate Clovis and his apparent promotion to Captain! Welcome aboard, matey!

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A former basketball star (as in national team captain) took my game for 50k claiming he was cheated and didnt pay. but like it happens literally all the time for game runners

Let’s try to keep the discussion on the relevant issue and not drag up unrelated fights.

Also, while I think this one is hopefully resolved - let’s try to at least pretend to be civil in our disagreements and refrain from personal attacks.


To be clear - goofy was not the only target of my request.

Clovis apologized and I thanked him and he and I continued to discuss this issue that we vehemently disagree on. I consider that resolved and have no ill will towards him.

The good thing about Clovis is that while he does get too heated sometimes, he almost always comes around and apologizes fairly quickly, which is a sign of being a mature and decent person.

Likewise, I lash out at people who personally attack me more than I’m proud of, but if they apologize and knock it off, I try not to harbor ill will and I’m usually willing to engage with them respectfully going forward.

I used to be incapabale of ignoring people who refused to knock it off, which was a very toxic trait of mine that I worked on, and I think I’ve done much better at it the last several months.

Anyway, my point is Clovis is fine by me imo and there’s no need to rehash the fight he and I had ITT.


Most of the local PLO in OKC has moved to home games. Last time I played in this particular game (5+ years ago), I bought in for cash, was the biggest winner in the game, and left with less cash than I came with. It took him 6 weeks to make me whole.


shame that in today’s day and age, you gotta go to underground gambling rings where cheating and scumbaggery will be rampant, rather than sites just offering decent games with manageable rake

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I think in my case and jwax’s case we’re talking about live games, and I think the main reason for the shift is all of the hoodie/headphone/backpack/strat talk nitty live pros who don’t understand that part of the job is keeping/making the game entertaining and fun. That led to more private games in casinos and more home games.

COVID also affected this, since games moved to houses and underground when casinos were shut down and naturally, they didn’t all move back.


I’m glad you and clovis settled it, I think you might have some blind spots here but no reason it needs to get nasty. I’m not sure what it is about this hand that gets people so riled.

Almost every home game I’ve played doesn’t completely pay out the biggest winner the night of. It’s just the price you pay for having more access to the fish I guess.

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well like the best place I can play right now is bovada and it’s technically illegal, has obnoxious rake, and the game selection is always ass and they don’t even seem to try to make it better. I don’t even know where else to go online.

been stiffed once so far but it was a small amount of money.

I hate live. too few of hands to make it worth it for me so I have to move into stakes that I’m not used to playing (but still feel I’m likely beating).

You were stiffed by Bovada?

no, another game I’m in

I got stiffed for 5k on a poker app this year, I’ll take live poker any day

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