Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

When you’re required to give up cell phones and electronic devices to go on stream, having an electronic device on you would be very strong evidence of cheating.

So what that object is matters a great deal.

I read it the exact opposite. She seems obviously confused by the whole situation.

it’s just as likely the box for whatever thing they mic up with

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Kk. Must have stopped at the chair and missed the lump. Will add it to the list. So the evidence we have (without editorializing):

  1. the hand as played
  2. that she calls an all-in shove for ~125k with either ~17 or 50k worth of EV, but more likely to lose than to win per the on-screen percentages
  3. her own conflicting statements during and after the hand
  4. that she gave the money back after a conversation with Ryan and Garrett off camera and away from the table
  5. that someone who may or may not be her bf/business partner/backer was sitting next to Garrett
  6. video of a vibrating chair and a bulge of some sort in her pocket during the stream (as shown on the Only Friends podcast)

That’s it for now?

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This is a family site, sir.


You don’t know it’s an electronic device!

Or, like, a makeup case

Can’t be a makeup case, I don’t think she worries much about her appearance.


serious q, do ppl that really strongly believe guilt really want her to be guilty? that is how it feels sometimes.

I think the thing’s really bad for the game. like really really bad. even normies are linking this shit now, every fish in any decent sized game now is gonna wonder about making a questionable call for fears of all of incel twitter converging on them


i’m kind of surprised by dwan on there. no one else is a surprise, even polk, who of course took the most meek “yes cheated” stance on it - what he really has been saying is “let’s wait and see before we go buck wild” which is the only correct “yes she might have cheated” side.

I don’t think she’s processing events very fast, if at all. She’s trying to act like she belongs at the table, knows she doesn’t, and is really interested in concealing that fact.


lol jesus christ you think she just had a vibrating device that is connected to a hacker feeding her information in her pocket and no one in the production noticed even after the hand?

mike postle had hundreds of hours on stream playing “perfect” poker in a 5-5 game. here we have one hand played in the worst possible way for a cheater.

i’m truly amazed by some of these posts


also she has played on the stream before but apparently only started cheating in this game, as we have hands of her calling on the river and losing.

Tell me you didn’t watch the video without telling me you didn’t watch the video. They show that her mic pack is in a different place.

i m not gonna watch it because frankly i find it a little ridiculous at this point lol

watch the yoot00bz

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I don’t know but it’s the same size and shape.

Possible, but very unlikely given the size, shape, and location - and supposedly she had a purse/bag of some sort. That she decided to wedge her makeup bag inside her pants (it doesn’t even appear to be a pocket) seems like a stretch.

I would like it proven one way or another and I’d rather it come out that she was not cheating because that’s awful for poker.

i think it’s now at the point it’s better for poker that she did cheat, because this looks fkn awful if not

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lol he kinda jumped the shark before but this one was pretty good

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