Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

Did he bring his own bottle of Macallan lol?

A lot of the Texas clubs are BYOB.

Daniel got knocked out of the 25k and had quite the meltdown. The last 2 hands start at 6:35:40 if this doesn’t cue up properly


How can this guy be a pro? I mean those are basic every day beats, does he jump out a window or light his hair on fire when he actually gets a brutal bad beat? That software with built in slow rolling would tilt the fuck out of me though.


Lol, I really don’t think KTs is a call there for 16bb BvB vs a player with an 8% vpip in the first place, but what do I know, I’m no DN.

KTs is a call there. It would take a really strong read that the guy doesn’t push unless he’s got a pair or Ace for me to want to deviate from the Nash charts.

Bad beats in MTTs are the worst. Cash game beats don’t really phase me anymore, but there is something unusually brutal about getting 2 outed deep into a tourney.


Isn’t KT versus JT AIPF only something like 65 percent?

The way I would think about it is to figure out what shoving range would make me indifferent to calling or folding and decide if he is tighter or looser than that range.

You’re a bit under 45% for someone jamming any ace, any pair, and any two broadway. I’d have to consider what his limping range is and whether he raises smaller with premiums or also shoves with those hands.

KTo vs JTs is like 66

that hand is KTs vs JTo so like 70 (it’s 71.95)

annoying but not that big a deal at all maybe he just can’t lose 25k or is embellishing for the stream

I think his freak outs are pretty genuine. As Koss wrote, getting cracked in a MTT can be enraging and he’s been getting close to a win all month. In this case he was over 6 and half hours in, on a single bullet, not that far from the money, and was playing great. Just ask him and he’ll tell you so himself.

I’ve watched a bunch of his streams over the last month (I like them as background noise when I’m working), and his passion for the game is only rivaled by his active disdain for the audience. I have no idea why he even bothers with the stream at all. He seems incapable of recognizing a joke or sarcasm in the chat, and routinely lashes out and goes into these long lectures whenever his play is questioned. Just type “punt” into the chat when he runs a bluff that doesn’t work and he’ll kill a puppy. I used to think he was just “joking” when he did this, but after seeing it so many times it’s clear that he’s honestly pissed.

On the plus side he’s a stream of consciousness while he’s playing, talking through virtually every decision. It’s all about playing GTO. I have no idea how sound his reasoning is, but combined with his hatred for the chat, it makes for an entertaining watch.


Weirdly enough I feel like that freak out was both genuine and embellished. At a casino in front of people he isn’t acting like that. But at the same time I feel like he knows his viewers want his true stream of consciousness so he lets it out hard when he loses.

I mean after 6 and a half hours it is so boring to say “well, I lost KT to JT good night”

I watched a bunch of that tournament the other day and his commentary is pretty good, I haven’t watched him before really but his thought processes do seem strong to me.

He did get annoyed by chat at one point as well when they were questioning him folding KT to a raise and he kept going on and on about it

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he just started streaming today, a $600 deepstack WSOP event. He’s all pissed off though because he registered mistakenly for some other tournament that he’s not going to play, seems like hes texting someone about it, but hes all out of sorts, walks off screen, banging around, can hear him say fuck

She shared a video titled “ventilators are the new firing squad”, along with Alex Jones stuff, who is apparently exactly like Fauci.

Are ICUs the new concentration camps?


she’s one of those super smart people that things like empathy just don’t exist so things blend in to her, ie insisting that sandy hook is a hoax so much his followers harassed the parents of kids that perished is equivalent to something relatively nothing like lying about what your hand was in a poker game.

but insisting alex jones is only wrong about one thing is because she’s completely lost her mind or she revels in the trolling. either way still tweeting long past when she should’ve stopped.

I understand MTT frustration but he was what 35th, this is like Matusow’s meltdown against Raymer in a big flip for like 80th or w/e gtfo man. Like if it was some dude who sat’d in and would never have a chance like that again that’s one thing, but this guy will just enter the next one.

He could be obligated as part of a sponsor deal to stream stuff. It’s hard with audiences with that stuff because about 90% of them don’t know what he’s doing and the other 10% are just trolls.

Just need hellmuth to stream for all the unnecessary meltdowns now.

6 and a half hours in is irrelevant, he’s played MTT’s for over 20 years ffs.

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It’s a little bit sad that the most prominent female poker player in the world turns out to be a nazi. Like sure its not utterly surprising but kind of a bummer


Was she the most prominent though? I feel like a few were more but just had slightly worse results.