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he definitely is even if he doesn’t quite hit the full definition a bit, likes to name drop people even though nobody cares, known for whining about stupid crap to whine about, name calls people who “play bad” and get there to him, all the attention seeking crap, etc.

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imagine screwing people out of billions and still was just waiting years so you could misrepresent and dunk on a tweet from a then fifteen? year old girl. Talk about living in your head rent free.

True but saying in 2018 we should stop using all fossil fuel in five years is a monumentally dumb thing to say.

say more

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It’s equivalent to saying we should just have world peace. It’s not a serious policy suggestion.

uh its absolutely not a monumentally dumb thing to say, its just unrealistic, very different. And its probably true.




Hey guys that teenager said something monumentally dumb while I am a very smart adult.


Ichinose is a quality name

The heater finally ended

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She didn’t say it. The climate scientist did.

Plo 10k FT was a fun start. Lin was bad.

Was 8/8, but only 3-4 bb behind a few guys.

Opens 67810 badugi off of 1.6m to 360 at 60/120 UTG. UTG+1 3b AKQ10dd to 900k.

Lin calls, check folds a 34Kss flop.

He triples up but still manages to end up in 8th.

CL was playing very well.

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Calling that three bet is hellmuth bad.

Congrats, you understood Greta’s tweet (and the scientist she quoted or paraphrased or whatever) approximately 1% more than Chamath did

Except I understood them 100%. But thanks. Go see what IPCC was suggesting in 2018 to see how dumb it is. I also moved the discussion to the climate change thread.

It’s just a terrible open ~15bb deep as well.

Most interesting hand was where guy folded top set with Aces to what was probably a bluff

HJ limps 810QJs off of 30bb.
CO makes it 720k with AAA7h
Btn calls QQJxdd
hj folds

Flop is A10jr, CO bets 550k btn calls

Turn 7c, CO checks with a little under a PSB left, BTN shoves CO tank folds

Btn claimed to have QQJJ dbl and turned a flush draw in addition to a set

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was he going to c/f anything that didn’t pair the board above a 6? He got cute and owned himself.

I guess so

Openly complained for the next 30 min how he should have limped pf…but idk what that solves.
Maybe if btn then opens you can limp/raise getting approx 50% of your stack in pf and they probably fold jjqq and probably fold jjqk

TX poker room goes belly-up.