Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

Zzzzzzzzzz. boring. Do better.

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Of all the hot takes in the thread, calling Rui Cao an amateur asian nobody may be the hottest.


I just looked him up. lol me. I had no idea who he was and I watch a shit ton of streamed poker.

I was obviously wrong.

Still can’t see calling there as “completely standard”.

Standard? No, but all of their bluffs are exactly 27. 910s, J9s or whatever air ball never takes that line.

On thay board they play very, very few value hands like that with the 27 game on.

Rui is a better player than me who plays 25, 50, 100ks regularly. They have multiple 7 figure wins.

We shouldn’t compare their plays with Robbi.

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For what it’s worth, I think you are mostly correct in your overall view on this hand (other than being far too sure there was no cheating from the outset).

misclick imo

if the J4o was online we (or at least me) would think misclick and not really think too much more of it

every time somebody minraises at any point i automatically assume it’s a misclick tbh

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ok now we’re talking

but also misclick/13bb YOLO?

Before he started to show up on Triton streams I mostly had heard of him because he used to play the nosebleed cash games on Fulltilt back in the day and his screenname was Rui Cao. I can’t remember if he was a red pro. He mainly played PLO IIRC.

They are lacking.

And the original question was asking you to post all of your hands where you made crazier calls.

I don’t even know what you’re talking about or getting at. That I am making it up? ok man, cool story, put up or shut up

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Also, maybe more important than the stakes (i honestly can’t see this happening in even nanostakes cash games but let’s put that to the side) is the stack depth. Online cash much less lol donkaments and sngs aren’t gonna see anything deep relative to live cash.

Let’s assume it’s 1cent/2cent. A 150 double straddle deep hand is still way different than a 50bb hand.

Did you somehow forget that the Hu4Rollz is unrelated to this “crazy calls” facet of the discussion? In fact, you went hard with Hu4Rollz specifically to avoid this facet of the discussion!

sorry that one doesn’t show J-hi but it’s lower than K-hi FYI

bruh they’re not even in the same column lol

you also can’t appear to read - I didn’t call in that hand, my opponent did. I am confused what you are even asking, and you appear confused as well. I advise taking a nap.

the guy that didn’t know horse was a limit game til 20 minutes ago is posting hand ranking charts. such unintentional self ownage.

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I didn’t say nor imply you did…

Ok this is just getting fucking weird.

like did you not post “oh wait horse is all limit games nvm” earlier?

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While I agree with your point that the bigger the stakes make a hand crazier, I’ll bite the bullet like I alluded to in that other post and take it one step further, and say that even in a local $1/2 game I could not see this happening ever without some very extenuating circumstances, and I have a very good (imo lol) reason for thinking so: after the dust settled I obv immediately thought of Postle, like most people, but not because I was comparing Robbi to Postle, rather, I was comparing Garrett to Postle.

See, the things that Robbi said about Garrett, what she imagined Garrett was doing, bullying and pushing around and betting and raising all the time, is what Postle was actually doing. Recall that mf did not slow down or make it subtle, and I watched all 100+ hours of that bullshit. And no point did anybody even contemplate some crazy shit like a J4o call when they were all frustrated or drunk or both or simply knew he was out of line. The closest was an A-hi call on a river for a much smaller pot in BB and $$ terms. People were trying to push back, like minraising turns with J4o, to which Postle would shove in their face and… wait for it… they’d snap fold their J4o. He was getting people to fold their A-hi after 3b shoving rivers with only 20% effective behind and what not. And these games were much smaller as well, like mostly $1/3! (although they’d throw on crazy straddles and what not)

And i’m ready to admit that this is coloring my perception in the opposite way, but the Postle business just firmly makes me believe this isn’t a thing at any stakes.

Bruh you really thought I’d forgotten (or didn’t know) HORSE was minbet instead of, oh, let’s say, pretending in order to try to get you to play a different mix that I preferred more? That’s wild.

Also, why did you invent the “nvm” and tack it on like I said “no” to h4r then or in any other post? That’s not a thing that happened in objective reality.