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I.E the woman who found out her husband was cheating on her after he and Robbi were seen on National TV together

Oh. Thanks.

I’m sorry people, but if you think this fine individual could ever be involved in something shady you have some serious trust issues


Feels like 75% I play at Hustler Casino or Hollywood Park tonight. Any opinions on those places?

If you play Hustler sit in seat two obviously.

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Fun Fact “Ali G” used to play 1/1 at my local cardroom.

Cliffs on the last month? Stopped paying attention around day 7

Joey Ingram just did his 473rd stream on the scandal. Other than that, no new developments.

The queens hand was played worse than the J4o


First of all, the guy calls himself MrDrBatman, so douche alarms are already starting to tingle, and then there’s this for a bit of additional context. Got to 5:01:20 if it’s not cued up. AA guy made it 50k to go preflop, Batman started the hand w/100k and put in half his stack to call w/98s, flop is JT9, they run it twice and Batman wins both.

He prepares these silly cards to give to opponents after he wins a big pot off them. Apparently he had given one to Eric in an earlier stream, but I didn’t see that hand.

It’s kind of funny I guess, but if you’re gonna do that to other players, then you can’t cry when someone goes after you.

Persson is obv. an abrasive personality, but I’ve only seen him really go after Hellmuth and now Batman. If he thinks you’re a douche, then he’s gonna be relentless, otherwise he doesn’t seem to be mean-spirited with other players.

Another pretty good moment (at 7:34:39). This was about 40 min before the QQ atrocity seen above. It had clearly been building up to that big hand.

Yeah, the clip above doesn’t really do Persson justice. To judge by that alone out of context it seems like an unfair attack. This batman douche made up what he called “Needle” cards, and would hand them out whenever he stacked and/or sucked out on someone. Essentially rubbing salt in their insults to injuries, or some other mixed metaphor. Persson took that perssonally and was gunning for a spot to stack this clown. He was harsh, but justifiably so imo. I watched both batman streams, and while he tried to present this as harmless “fun”, it was really not cool, and he demonstrates how uncool it was by his reaction to Persson flipping the script on him.

I really want to dislike Persson, but I just can’t do it yet. Whatever his shortcomings he really does seem to believe in justice at least.


I believe Eric Trump coined that one.

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God I hope not, I was pretty proud of peeling that one off.

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Persson is absolutely in the right given that background information.

If Batman wants to lord it over people smaller than him with tilt cards he can’t get mad when a bigger badder angrier bully punches back.

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Also God lord that QQ hand is an atrocity.


I’d never heard of Perrson before watching him beat Helmuth in an explosion of schadenfreude and curses. Obviously loved that but figured he was a jerk overall. Watching him on the streams, he legit seems like a good dude in most every spot. Looking forward to watching this clip of him going off.


yea i thought he came off well during the interviews - seems like a hothead but doesnt make someone a bad dude

Ya this is one of the worst hands I have ever seen.