Poker Hands and Strategy

Hand from 500 Ignition zone table today:
5 Handed, player pool has fluctuated from 14-20
UTG+1 opens to $12.50
Hero in BB raises to $40 with T :diamonds:T :clubs:
UTG+1 calls $27.50

Flop: 6 :clubs:9 :diamonds:4 :spades:
Hero bets $59.63, villain calls
Turn Q :spades:
Hero bets $149.07, villain calls
River 5 :diamonds:
Hero jams for $615.99 effective, villain calls with 1 second left on the clock
Hero wins $1728.88 versus K :hearts:6 :hearts:

Must have put me on a hand he could beat.

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I don’t think I could beat even nl100 in the short handed pools tbh, I really struggled/ran 5 figures below EV last year at 1/2 and 2/5z PLo during off hours.

I gave myself a lesson on how to induce overbets with top pair/overpair type hands. Every runout seemed like it put a 1-liner on the board and I got blown out of the pot probably six times at least. Was starting to get on my nerves.

Someone help me out guys, is this a fold?

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Sucks to be you.


Opponent has a higher pocket pair. Turn and river are going to be runner runner because online poker is rigged. Pretty easy fold

Oh after seeing your second post looks like you got lucky.

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This particular villain sure knows how to pick his spots (all in pre, I’m not in this hand, stone bubble):


Ez game, kids. Stay in school.


How could you go all in when he clearly has the higher straight? Doesn’t make sense.

It’s a mystery.

I mean, if “fold river” was ever apropos, this hand would prob be it.

It’s hard to make a goof here because the obvious goof is “fold pre” but you already folded pre so all I got is “fold the river” which doesn’t make any actual sense.

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Yeah, I was thinking aa should fold river…

The only possible more tilting runout for that guy (on the stone bubble, remember) is if he completed his set on the river.

My all in joke didn’t work there, but I’m making some pretty elite math and hip-hop goofs right now over in the GOP Insanity thread. That is solid goofsmithing if I do say so myself.

Ok, I’ll check it out. If I get checked for ID at the door, I’m your guest, yeah?

A part of me thinks that Public Enemy would have been better without Flavor Flav and wishes he wasn’t there because he’s annoying as shit, but the wiser part of me knows you need a Flavor Flav in your life to stop you from taking yourself too seriously. It’s like how The Beatles had George as the moody serious one and Ringo as the silly one. Chuck D is out there laying out heavy shit and Flav is just being a ridiculous goofball. It’s the Yin and the Yang together that’s excellent.

How many JD’s you had tonight, bro?

I like the irony of being shitfaced and spamming a thread called “About Moderation”. That’s good.


The fun part is when the mods see 50+ posts in this thread and think there’s some kind of drama going on but it’s actually just us idiots shitposting.

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