About Moderation (old original thread)

That’s kind of like complaining that Democrats can’t get anything done because Republicans are too mean. People need to learn how to function in the world we live in.

Which people? The sensitive or the insensitive?

Please keep this thread about current mod actions. Don’t make this the thread to argue about shit here.

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For the record, Wookie banned me for about 5 weeks last summer, for pretty flimsy reasons (posting in a thread he’d exiled me from after repeated warnings not to). I didn’t really hold a grudge, but then again, I’m a pretty low content poster, so who cares anyway.

This specific thread, in fact. How you doing, Wooks? :wink:

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28 posts were merged into an existing topic: Poker Hands and Strategy

Since this thread is often about people complaining about mods, I wanted to give credit where credits is due. I had a post moderated today for the first time on UP, and it was a correct decision. @Tilted edited out the part of my post that crossed the line while leaving the overall point in tact and pmed me to explain the decision. That is a standard that we should look for in handling issues on the forum.

Also, I simply accepted that I had crossed the line and moved on, which is what we should all try to do as members of this community.


Not going to lie… I just saw the notification pop up that I was tagged in this thread and I almost closed the browser. Thanks for the words and being understanding of the situation.



Listen here, pal… You don’t like getting tagged in this thread? Well TOUGH SHIT!

Cause it sure seems like you’ve been doing a good job, so thanks and I’m sure everyone appreciates the effort.


It’d be a shame if a bunch of people did the same thing, and tomorrow morning a bunch of people woke up and saw like 50 new posts in About Moderation and expected the worst.



If you want a completely unmoderated forum experience, there are lots you can choose from.

Nobody wants a “completely unmoderated forum experience”. They just want a “completely unmoderated by you forum experience”.

Glad I could clarify this for you. I’m always here whenever you need Captain Obvious to the rescue.

Seems like just about every mod has drawn the same complaints I did from the same usual suspects. Clearly it’s a me problem.

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You’ve been singing this song for over a year. Time for a little introspection, perhaps? Or would that be anathema to the very essence of your moderation philosophy?

Lest we forget that Keed, who was a massive dog to you to start, pipped you at the finish line. Did you take anything at all away from that other than “ugh, bad beat”? Anything?

This isn’t relevant. Please stop before another 200 post shit storm starts. Considering Wookiee isn’t a mod if you want to continue this please have it in a PM.

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Understood. Wookie - if you want to continue, happy to do so on PM. Otherwise, laters.

I took the captain thing off. It’s about time. Would have done it sooner, but I kinda forgot the significance. I’ll stick with my fractals from now on, I like those.

I’m confused, I thought Wookie was removed as a moderator 6 months ago and this poster was complaining about another poster voicing support for Tilted. Glad you set us straight.

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