About Moderation (old original thread)


Well thatā€™s shitty.

LOOOOL I literally only post music videos and drop one liners or news stories in threads and made one comment in this thread today. Just lol. TOXIC!

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I never have felt the scorn of someone hating my hand decision over that A4 tournament hand like Yuv the last few months. I still like his good posts tho! Heā€™s not a bad person!

To be honest I skipped over 100 posts and just seen he said he was leaving so yeah you might be right. Iā€™m also drunk and just didnā€™t want someone else to leave.


Im not really trying to rag on prana. I kinda think he is going thru something

Going through being sick of yā€™all whining every night about moderation like teenagers, yes. Like, Victor, I just want to banned and deleted because of your and other peoplesā€™ constant whining.

Victoar is always complaining in the 2p2 threads also. Like, dude we would probably get along if we had a drink but wtf else are you doing with your time? This caught me a ban earlier so see ya later all!

I have to admit that ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  is right and Iā€™ve moderated some users more harshly than I would moderate others based on their perceived reputations as bad actors.

I banned(or silenced, canā€™t remember) churchill for what I perceived to be antivax posting that in retrospect was a misread on my end but either way he lost the ability to post here for two weeks because of a bad decision on my part.

I banned jalfrezi for two weeks for ā€œneverending trolling of other usersā€ that I couldnā€™t remember the context or reasoning behind and had to dig through his posts from that time frame to figure out what triggered the ban, and it certainly wasnā€™t something that would get anyone else 2 weeks off.

I donā€™t really know where Iā€™m going with this and I donā€™t want people to bring up reasons why these were actually good decisions because of events that happened in 2019 or something but thereā€™s definitely a problem that some posters get singled out as ā€œbadā€ and then anything they do that confirms that ā€œbad posterā€ idea is held against them. Similarly there are ā€œgoodā€ users who can be shitty to people or make snide references to other peopleā€™s pasts and nothing happens to them because of course theyā€™re a ā€œgood posterā€ and even if that post was shitty they probably didnā€™t really mean it, or their other posting is so good we can ignore the occasional shitty post, etc. etc.

I (another sentence starting with I, quite the megalomania going on here) donā€™t think any of the mods intentionally behave in this biased manner and we try to do our best to remain fair and neutral but weā€™re humans and we fail miserably at it all the time.

Anyway, since I became a mod there was a vote that mods should serve 6 month terms, and Iā€™ll have been a mod for 6 months on the 18th, so Iā€™ll also step down then instead of sticking around longer.


Iā€™m guessing basically everyone here would have a good time having a beer (or whatever) with other people from here. Basically everyone here are good people and the fact we have forgotten that is a large part of the problem.


Wat are you doing man, settle down.

76 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bickering about old drama

Because I donā€™t think it was just poster history, I think it was poster history and my own emotional response that lead to a bad decision.

Itā€™s easy to forget that weā€™re all here because we were all ā€œbannedā€ from 2+2 when Mat decided to shut the Politics forum down. We didnā€™t like losing a community that we had and @anon38180840 got the ball rolling on somewhere to regroup and luckily for me that new place was publicly posted for everyone. Weā€™ve seen several users here respond poorly to even the shortest of bans but then also expect others to just accept multiple week bans and then come back and not hold a grudge about it and that seems like an impossible ask.


My biggest mistake on my time on this forum was not taking a screenshot of the time Victoar actually came out and posted something along the lines of

ā€œI no longer like posting on this forum, but quitting would be surrendering to the libs. So I feel I need to stick it to the libs.ā€

before he deleted it

That was months agoā€¦

Iā€™ve got to give him creditā€¦he knows how to throw this forum into a frenzy.


No bans = unlimited trolling, bad faith, and meanness from those who which to take part in those pasttimes.

Iā€™m just using your frustration to pull back to a general point, so donā€™t take this as being directed at you or this situation or anything. Broadly speaking this has a lot to do with the problems here. For years now the vast array of mods have mostly tried some sort of ā€œboth sidesā€ approach that is predicated on not relitigating the origin of the disputes, and just getting everyone to calm down and ignore each other. But when you donā€™t feel like youā€™re the one to blame, thatā€™s infuriating.

Thatā€™s why I suggested the cite or ban approach.

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@anon38180840 for mod

Iā€™m serious.


As always, throttling is an important tool, you had it right the first time, and under no circumstances should the bickering thread be reopened. Legitimately nothing of any substance whatsoever was discussed last night and the 10 minute throttle would have stopped the prana yuv fucking insanity. Honestly, @d2_e4 of all people probably did the best last night in trying to deflect the conversation.

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No one feels like they are to blame at all. But more or less everyone involved has some complicity in the problems.

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Besides myself, obviously.


If you noticed I was trying to deflect, I clearly didnā€™t do a very good job.

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