Poker Hands and Strategy

Currently 24th out of 125 in the $25K Ignition freeroll. :crossed_fingers:

ETA: 4th of 87 at the second break

Update: AJs < JTs, 26th of 35


I was knocked out in the first orbit.
Player to my immediate right was raising every hand. On the fifth hand, I picked up QQ and 3-bet his open raise. He called.

Flop: KQ9r…checks to me, I bet half pot, he CRAI, I snap call…he hits the T on the river to win with KJo.


3rd break and I’m 6 of 10. Only bad beat so far is the AJ vs. TJ hand, unless chipping up in a 3-way all-in but losing the side pot with AKo vs. K9o counts as a bad beat. Running good!



Followed by 84o, then 23o, then 72s

55 > AK, now in 2nd

3 left, $1602.50 locked up

Out in 3rd


Any suggestions on size of tip?

I’ve been at newly started cash tables in WA where a floor person dealt the first few orbits and they weren’t allowed to accept tips. No idea if this rule applies anywhere else or if it is limited to when they’re dealing and tipping in other situations is allowed.

That’s how it works in Alberta too but it’s even dumber. All tips go into a pool and are allocated based on hours worked across all games floor and poker. There is no incentive to be good at your job.

Floors couldn’t take tips when I played live in WA, don’t know if it was a gaming regulation or casino rule.

A nittier player than me at my table. Misses SB. comes back in the HJ. Doesn’t want to post and waits until he’s BB again.

I see this all the time. It’s such a dumb move. It’s like putting on a giant sign “don’t ever give me any action”.

So taking away the only possibly good thing about tipping culture?

I don’t understand? What does posting have to do with tipping?

Sorry I was flicking through the thread and replied to your post of 9 days ago. But yeah if someone doesn’t post they go in the nit box for sure. Although I do remember one regfish who was 100% a life nit never posting only having tap water etc but got 100+ bigs in with middle pair or worse constantly.

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Lol, two regs who I school often because they overrate their ability and play too many hands are arguing because they scared off a reg-fish on a heater when they made a big show of adding in to match his stack, making it clear they were targeting him.

65th in the $30,000 tonight for peanuts. I guess I should be happy considering how absolutely card dead I was all night. Ignition software still worst of all time.

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Yeah it had to be -EV to pay the bb then sit out rather than just post. But the meta game is so bad too. I mean just walk until it’s your turn rather than sit there all nitty and whatnot

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Why the smaller bet sizes here against morning drinker?

Like with 3 callers, if you go $25 preflop ($62), you can go $40 on the flop ($142), $100 on the turn ($342). Now hero’s river blocking bet is probably closer to $100 and you can feel better about just the call, since obviously just a call feels like leaving money on the table (while I agree raising exposes you to a difficult spot)

so I’ve come to a hard conclusion. I’m a losing player in the rush/zone whatever style poker.

Weird thing is that I still CRUSH a typical 6 handed game. I have some theories why, but I’m still not sure why. I think it’s because I tend to play laggy and eventually push someone over into doing something stupid. Doesn’t work so much with the reseating.

I play zoom up to 500NL on ignition and find that my tendency to raise pre and barrel blows up in my face a lot. I’m a marginal winner at the higher limits and a loser at 5 and 25NL, so up overall but not at all confident in my abilities. Most of the YT videos on the subject say zoom is tougher than ring and you should expect a lower win rate, but mine would probably be higher if I didn’t spew chips regularly. Definitely need to make some adjustments before I try the higher limits again.

I still play 99% PLO but two days ago played some .5/1 and .25/.5z on stars and made like 2 BI on each despite losing AAvAK aipf and chopping 77vJ10 ON 1072.

Ppl are just bad.