Poker Hands and Strategy

Hardest thing about traveling vs your local room if you’re playing ~2/5

LAG boy was on my immediate left, and although I didn’t have much history with him, on my limited HUD stats he was a 60/40 VPIP/PFR when I sat down, and he seemed to be even more active than this in the first couple of orbits. In a prior hand this session when we were in a blind battle, I raised and called his PF 3-bet and successfully check-called him down with 3rd pair following an A-high flop when he bet <2/3 pot on every street with just a gutter.

Hand in Question: 6-Max - $0.10/$0.25

Folded to me in the small blind, I raise $0.65 to $0.75 with Kh Td

LAG Boy calls $0.50

*** FLOP *** [Th 5c 4c]

Main pot $1.43

I bet $1.12

LAG Boy calls $1.12

*** TURN *** [Th 5c 4c] [7h]

Main pot $3.56

I bet $2.80

LAG Boy raises to $21.77 and is all-in.

I should…?

I’m shrug calling here, there’s just so many different draw combos out there

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If it’s actually loose passive then that’s usually a pretty nice, low stress, low variance game. If it’s tight passive, old man coffee type table, then I’m getting outta there

I know how to grind out a small profit at an OMC table.

But why play in a game where if you play perfectly its $10/hr

Locking up a seat at a table where it’s the only one at those stakes and the fish come in later.

I guess call as villain is described? It’s not a great spot though and I think against this kind of villain I’d rather slow down and check/call down.

Is this turn supposed to be a bet?

Without having much time to make a decision, I was struck by the over-bet, which is something I hadn’t seen him do previously. In addition, he did show that he had a fold button on later streets, so I was assuming he wasn’t holding a trash hand. I ended up folding and didn’t see his hand.

However, I’m now leaning towards it being a bad fold, mostly for GTO reasons, since if I’m not calling there with KT, then I’m probably not calling with enough hands to avoid getting blown off of the hand.

On the other hand, the over-bet means that I need to call way less often. I’m just not sure if top pair is good enough to call this all-in against this LAGgy opponent.

Bad lags do this all the time with combo draws! Top pair good kicker is more than enough to make this call down imo


Sitting 35th of 49 in the Bovada 212k. $34k up top. Time to run it up!


Bad luck post - the dream is dead.

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very active 1-3 game.
two limps, I make it 20 with AKo (~1400) cutofff, capable reg 3b to 60 on the button (covers) everyone folds to me.

I 4b to 225 he calls.

Flop Kd8h5h (i don’t have hearts).
I bet 300 he calls pretty quickly.
Turn 4h I jam ~850

std? spewy?

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I assume you do not have the Ah

I’m not that comfortable playing so deep, so I’m curious about why you chose the larger sizing for the 4bet. If he 5bets are you folding or getting it in (or calling??) Since we’re so deep, I would not want to play for stacks pre, so I would 4bet to maybe 150 and fold to a raise, or possibly just call (but that seems bad, so probably just fold).

Given the now lower SPR OTF, the rest seems standard.

How many times can a passive player bet 15-20% pot on the river in PLO and always show the nuts before you start folding the second nuts to small bets? Assume you’ve also seen this player check behind with the second nuts at least a few times.


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Asking for a friend….