Poker Hands and Strategy


Got him!

This is probably way over my head so you need to ELI5 it.

I haven’t laid eyes on a 3/6 table in years, but last one I remember was taking $5+1 out of nearly every pot.



Unfortunately that didn’t help.

you’re being somewhat lazy at this point. my 5 year old just walked in the room and asked wtf is wrong with melkerson?


I should have read the hand. I just stopped at 3/6 LHE. Should have known something was up. Can’t imagine fossilkid playing that.


I still play 3/6 sometimes while waiting for a bigger game.

I made ~$7k playing 3/6 half kill LHE in a smoky shithole cardroom the summer after high school. Really helped to jumpstart my bankroll and let me smoke absurd amounts of marijuana.

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When I say I don’t often bluff enough in PLO, this is an example. It’s a very basic situation, one that’s really not worthy of asking for advice (but I’m not really asking how to play the hand here).

Whale (V1) straddles. Player who highly overestimates his ability (V2) calls. I call in the CO with red QQ42ds. A young player who is occasionally recklessly aggressive (V3) makes it 50. V1 and V2 call. I call.

Flop is KJ5r. Checked around. Turn is 8 :clubs:, putting a flush draw out there. Checked around. River is an offsuit ace.

V1 checks. He is capable of check-raising a straight here, but a lot of his QTxx range would have bet the flop or turn. V2 would have bet the river with a straight. His range is probably capped at two pair. V3 would have bet the flop with AQTx and KQTx hands. He’s occasionally reckless but he’s not stupid. He’s capable of rebluffing the river with TTxx hands, which he might do against the other players in the hand, but probably not me. They are all regs who I have logged 1000s of hours with at the table, so my reads are pretty spot on here.

There are some players I know who are autobetting this spot without much care for reads when they have QQxx and TTxx. They are probably overbluffing, but I definitely underbluff. When I am stuck, I bluff less, so I often pass up bluffing in this kind of spot unless I am feeling really good about my reads. Against regs, because I don’t bluff all the time, my bluffs get through more often because they respect my bets.

In this hand, I was stuck, but I felt good because I was slowly crawling my way back to even. (I eventually go there and more, helped by a drunk who wanted to put in 1K blind preflop when I had AAxxds. He flopped two pair, but I turned the ace of justice.) So, I bet 130 into a pot of a bit over 200. I probably would have considered betting even less if BU didn’t have a lot of AAxx in his range. I think this bet is a more effective bluff bet sizing than betting pot against my usual opponents. I’m not sure if it’s the best bluff bet size against a bunch of randoms, but I also tend to bluff less against randoms.

One of the reasons I felt more confident bluffing here was because I was already thinking ahead on the flop about whether I would bluff on an ace or ten on the turn or river. When I’m not playing my A game, I don’t think that far ahead and end up taking too much time, then decide my indecision is giving off weakness vibes, so I abort a lot of bluff plans.

I’ll use my blockers to run bluffs quite often in PLO, but I rarely do it in multi-way pots esp. when 1 or more of the villains are doofuses. In a spot like this where both the flop and turn have been checked thru, I’ve found that they’ll reluctantly find a call here with a set or sometimes even AK/AJ often enough that it seems unprofitable bluffing. But that’s almost entirely online PLO and I probably have a different image so YMMV.


Also, a lot of the NBZ bluff posts seem to be multiway then checked around on the flop and turn. The pot just isn’t big enough to blow out sets, and it’s hard to rep the most obvious draw when it’s been checked twice.
We can probably fold out any J8, maybe some a8

It’s a way better spot to bluff if anyone had bet a previous street.

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I think that there is merit to bluffing in multi-way pots when the player most likely to bluff-catch is to your immediate left and you’re forcing them to decide with players behind left to act.

In this particular spot, the players involved pretty much never have sets or wraps when it gets checked around twice, but we’ve played enough that they know that I absolutely could have such hands. And I think it’s right to try to convince players that I could play it that way. A lot of players in my local pool will check twice with a naked OESD. And I’ve played with a lot of players across the country who will do the same. I think the worst betting pattern to bluff against here is if there was a bet and several callers on the flop, then it got checked through on the turn.

If I think I can make some two pair holdings fold but not sets, it would make sense to find a bet sizing that is just big enough to make people fold two pair and not try to make a bigger bet in an attempt to fold sets.

I’m playing solid poker lately. Three FT in a row, two 9th and this one. Called his all in with 64o and flopped a 6. One of very few times I got it in bad. About fucking time.


I gotta figure out how to get some money on Ignition.

Started playing tournaments again on ACR last month after playing a live series here and it’s going fairly well, still in the low stakes but my results are encouraging and feeling good about my play after some early rust I knocked off with some actual studying. (Got all the way to 14th in the Double Deuce final flight yesterday; besides that, over the last 4-5 weeks I think I have ten final tables and one win.) Also turns out I actually like playing poker and working to get better at it when I’m not stressed about money or just fuckin’ miserable otherwise, and it’s probably been 15 years since I could say that.


Playing 2/5/10, very deep stacks, I have 6k stack, there’s a raise to 40 in EP, one call, I call button with 68ss, BB (who has a monster stack and is sun running, but is also a huge calling station with big hands) reraises to 250, fish calls, I call. Flop A88 two hearts.

Checks to me. I bet 300, original raiser calls. Turn Q. He checks I bet 600. I get c/r to 1600. Uh oh. I call. River brick he bets 3,500. Hero?

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Kill me now

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It mostly comes down to if he’s playing AQ that way. You’re at the top of your range, but there aren’t really many reasonable bluffs for him to show up with. I’d call if he’s an aggro clicker who bluffs large on dry boards with air or if he plays AQ like that. AA and QQ make all the sense in the world and there’s lots of players who would ONLY show up with those two hands. I assume he’s betting non-A 8s on the flop almost all the time.

There’s 8 combos of AA,QQ,A8s (I’d deweight A8s unless he’s a very aggro 3Ber) and 9 AQ. You need 30% so If he plays AQ that way >~30% of the time then it’s a call. Less if he shows up with bluffs or chops ever.

He’s mostly a pretty passive calling station, but sometimes he’ll also do random stuff like c/r flop big with top pair no kicker to fold out AK/AQ or whatever. So sometimes he’s clicking buttons. But I think he’s rarely bluffing here, it’s almost always AA QQ or AQ aaand maybe Kh Jh every once in a blue moon.