Poker Hands and Strategy

I jammed AQ on QT66hhxx over a bet for value and villain folded kings face up. I learned from the best.

4th in ACR $55 40k today. Very pleased with my play as I had to spend many hours short stacking my way through, something that in 2006-11 I absolutely would not have had the patience and discipline to do. Even had it in with the best of it when I busted.


In the A88Qx hand I did pay off QQ, and the more I think about, the more I think I’m a total fish for stacking off 5.5k there. He’s so predictable he’s almost always just taking a bet bet line with AQ on this board.

The turn checkraise from a passive fish, when you’ve got a massive hand and all excited to stack a donk, has to be one of the most demoralizing spots in all of poker.

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Ugh, Comcast was working on our internet here today and didn’t tell us, so I started playing a session but then stopped registering for new tournaments once our internet started going out. Naturally I ended up being unable to bust from one and spending my day on it, getting all the way to… 16th, where I lost a bunch of chips on this hand (which is more BBV but it was too off-the-wall not to share):

I hate getting stuck in between when something like that happens, not getting the benefit of a day off or the benefit of a full session.

Anyway ACR is having some technical problems tonight so they won’t let people register in anything new. This PLO8 tournament currently has a $1k guarantee and $964 overlay lmao. I want in!



It bothers me that I can’t type in chat at Bovada.

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These bomb pots they do in Texas are crazy, I love them, people play horribly in them, but I kinda wish I could stack down for them. I finally got scooped in a 10k pot with nut flush + 2 pair on the other board, versus the nut straight and a set on my nut flush board. River paired my flush board and oooof. 5k gone just like that.

I hear the TX games are nuts. The announcer for last night’s TCH Dallas stream said he once lost a 14K pot in a 2-5 NL game.

There is a lot of straddling and restraddling from what I understand. If you are normally bankrolled to play 5/10 in other places, it might make sense to play 1/3 instead. You should probably at least move down to 2/5.

There’s really no reason to play higher than 2/5, you get some tables with 30k, 40k 50k on the table. Lots of straddles. I’ve seen plenty of 10k pots. I got stacked last night doing 25 straddles when someone called 450 pre with 45o, bc he just knew I had AK and was gonna roll me when he drilled the flop. Which he did lol. Hopefully my bankroll can handle it until I win again heh

Yes, this!

Can’t back down from a fight! ie fold, ever

NH bomb pots aren’t as crazy as Texas’, but stacks get deep toward the end of the night, and there is a closing time. The biggest ones tend to be in the 2-2 and 5-5 PLO games, but last night we ended up playing an entire orbit of $10 bomb pots at my 1-2 NLHE table.

These random hands can really overshadow a session’s results. I scooped an $850 pot last night, and gave back $200 on another, when I had been +/- $50-75 all night. I might as well play PLO.

Yeah it starts feeling kinda silly when a huge chunk of your results are dependent on how you do on bomb pots. A $10 bomb pot can blow up huge real quick! But people are playing SO bad in these things it’s worth it. Just gotta be ready for some extra swongs. It’s also super annoying when you can get it AI vs people only playing one board and just never scoop.

Two hands last night in plo I know I am suppose to fold (I think) but couldn’t.

Hand 1.
Effective stacks $1600

I have JJ108 on button. Two limpers mand hj pots to $60 I call one other caller.

Villain in hj is young aggressive good player.

Flop KJ7r.

Check, check I bet $130. Call call.

Turn 4.

Check check. I bet $270. Check, villain goes All-in. I just know he has kings and say it and tank but then call. He does. Other guys ends up wining when his wrap hits on river.

This may seem like bad beat story but genuinely curious if people find a fold here? I hate going against my instincts.

Hand 2

Effective $1500

I have Q10c78h so double suited in bb.

Limped 3 ways then raised to $40. 4 callers.

Flop Qh10h4c

Checked to me I bet $120

Villain just calls.

Turn 7c

Check to me I bet pot. He calls.

River 2c

He ships. I call he shows nuts having flopped king high hearts, low wrap and backdoor clubs.

I don’t know if I am suppose to fold the river with third nuts here?

Somehow I still made $740 on session.

Hand 2 I’m calling. He could definitely be turning a missed high-wrap into a bluff. Or he could be over-valuing a small flush since it was back-door.

Hand 1 is probably villain dependent, but I lean fold especially with the third player. Would the check raiser ever do this in a three way pot with just a high-wrap? I doubt he’s doing this with two pair or a pure bluff. Heads up I think I probably call and hope he does this with 77 often enough that it’s EV+, but think with the third player I fold. You calling gives him proper odds to draw on a high wrap.


I didn’t make it clear winning guy had only like $90 to put in on turn so I treated him as All-in already. I never talk if it influences action. He was going All-in 100%. Lol he didn’t just go All-in on flop but he is super old nit who only puts it in with a hand.

Well, obviously I could find a fold in hand 1. I don’t always fold here, but I’ve always treated players who can’t fold sets or the second nuts as fish.

Hand 2 is player dependent but a lot of players don’t seem capable of repping a backdoor draw when some money went in on the flop, so this is usually an exercise in figuring out how weak of a flush this player would jam with on the river.

Haven’t listened to this yet, but this might be of interest.

Lol not supporting the vax might be the single best predictor of a person’s stupidity in history. Imagine thinking it is the other way around.


Reading TBC’s blog is an adventure.

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