Podcast Thread

A note passed from one person to the next, with no cliques of power that need support.

Chapo is a disgrace, full Glenn Greenwald. Earned an unsubscribe.

Really? I mean I generally tune out their thoughts on foreign affairs because they mostly suck at it but their riffing on employers losing control of the job market after that was great.

I didn’t make it that far.

5-4 on vaccine mandate is enraging and excellent.

Meh I don’t listen to Chapo for serious political takes anymore. I listen for lolz and skip the serious stuff.

You got shows like 5-4 and Citations Needed for serious stuff.

The second half of Chapo about labor is pretty spot on and entertaining. Maybe I’m in the minority, but I think they’ve been fine lately. Not sure what you can expect of them in this slow march to single party rule while the Dem establishment just twiddles their thumbs.

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This isn’t fair - they are twiddling their thumbs while being deeply concerned. Totally different.

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I mean, going to bat for Putin is really stupid.

Is it going to bat for Putin to point out there is no vital American interest at stake in Ukraine? And that it’s not at all clear why we should be trying to gin up a proxy war in Russia’s backyard?


Nostalgia for the good ol’ days of the Cold War, ldo.


The part about the stupidest timeline = starting WW3 over something this dumb, firing our ICBMs at each other and them not working and just crashing into someone’s house made me lol.

but on the plus side, the Republicans won’t win the midterms if we’re all dead.

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also I’d guess there’s a non-zero possibility that russia’s nukes are poorly maintained enough that many/most of them aren’t functional and we only lose a city or two.

There’s a decent-sized Ukrainian and Russian expat community in the CR. So there’s definitely chatter about what’s going down here.

Not much our tiny country can do other than support NATO with our tiny military.

As for proxy wars, America and Russia love those wars more than actual ones.

The Russians will nuke the coastal cities and America will be 100% deplorables roaming the midwest in pickups like the ISIS wannabes they are.

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chapo is going full greenwald, greenwald going full rogan, rogan is going full jones, jones is going full bannon.

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strict scrutiny also good

uhh to prevent territorial war in europe?

Counterforce strike should be bad news for deplorables. All the missile bases and sac bases are in red states. San Diego, Charleston, Norfolk, Augusta are all republican Navy towns.

Something to root for I suppose, hopefully it doesn’t escalate to a general nuclear war.

no fucking way I’m listening to an hour of this shitnozzle, but in a shocking development, Ross Douchehat “isn’t worried” about the GOP threat to democracy