Podcast Thread

Ive recently learned that the Italians have a pasta designed specifically for squid ink sauces, the idea that there’s no pasta that works reasonably well with a basic marinara sauce seems absurd on its face.

listened to it, then bought the pasta. podcast started interesting, but fizzled by the end. i think the guy realized there were potentially millions in passive income available, and he didn’t put in as much effort into the last few episodes.

unless you have such an amazing sauce that the right pasta might make a difference, i just didn’t feel anything but normal penne was necessary. for taste, fresh pasta from a good local shop is still >> better than any dry pasta box.

Side note, if you order “marinara” pasta in Australia or New Zealand what you will get is pasta with seafood in a light tomato sauce, what ought to be called alla pescatora. “Marinara” meaning just a tomato sauce, while the correct meaning in Italian, is completely unknown here and confused hell out of me first time I encountered it overseas.

Haven’t been following this thread, but Chapo’s Die Hard parody was hilarious. Laughed out loud several times.

“And when Alexandria saw the breadth of her domain, she wept, for she hadn’t conquered shit.”

Was last year’s NYE episode. This year it’s a DND parody.

Ah, I think they recently released it for free.

Matt’s DND character kills me.

Must have rolled a 5 for intelligence or something like that.

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I don’t get the Chapo take that Biden saying the unvaxxed are the ones most likely to die is some kind of apothosis of meritocratic liberalism.

They’re as lazy and reactionary as Tucker Carlson at this point. They have nothing interesting to say.

Liked their episodes with Stavy and some nurse that recently quit

Man Chapo’s latest episode is unbearable.

Guess they can’t help but sound detached from reality and privileged with the money they’re pulling in. Just brutal COVID takes.

I realize Elon Musk is kind of a dildo, and has a… complicated… image with posters around these parts, but there’s no denying he’s legitimately a technical and engineering genius.

He and one of SpaceX’s top nerds chatted with Dan Carlin of Hardcore History for almost two hours about the engineering and technical specs of World War II planes, and it’s fascinating, if you’re into that sort of thing.

It’s a free hardcore history addendum on dancarlin.com

There’s absolutely denying those things.

He didn’t design anything, and every time he talks about engineering actual smart engineers laugh at him for being stupid.

I mean, he was in a Stanford PhD program studying high density energy capacitors before he left to found what would become PayPal.

He’s neurotic about vertical integration and is personally involved in the smallest technical details of both electric cars and rocket science, I’m sure he picked up some things along the way.

He’s not exactly a failson

the idea that he can be on top of engineering challenges as CEO of two companies, with like 6 product lines between them, is just a figment of some conservation imagination. he cannot, he does mostly sales and money management. probably fires a few people to show employees who’s boss.

eta: also the boring co

eta: also he has like half a dozen kids, and dating crazy chicks all the time. yeah, i’m going to say, no, he’s not Li+ genius

I remember Whitlock almost winning the worst sports analyst draft at 2p2 but he had to bend the knee to the then king Skip Bayless.

Kinda regret that now.

Guest host lol

I remember when The Richard Bastion Show in GTA IV was satire.

Inspired the conversation I was hoping